008年奥运会在北京成功的召开,使得翻译专业愈加受到中国留学生的青睐。就翻译专业而言,美国最知名的学校是蒙特瑞国际研究学院(Monterey Institute of International Studies)。美国院校对
进世博园区打工,做 陪同翻译 兼导游今年暑假,因为有了世博,催生了大学生勤工俭学新思路。 园区实习要求不低 上海世博会馆客服人员招聘,馆礼仪招聘暑期刚至,世博实习招聘信
A train crash in eastern India has killed at least 52 people, officials say. 印度官员称,东部地区发生列车相撞事故,至少52人死亡。 A passenger trainploughed into(投入)another that was waiting at a station in th
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Scientists in Britain think it was probably the chicken, after using new computer technology to try and crack the age-old riddle. Researchers at the Universities of Sheffield and Warwick, in northern
致我的中国朋友: 所有中国的朋友,大家已经知道,由于我一时糊涂,做了一件让我非常后悔的事。过去的几天,对我来说的确非常艰难,但是我很欣慰地在网上看到了许多中国朋友写
亚洲 the himalayas 喜马拉雅山 great wall, china 中国长城 forbidden city, beijing, china 北京故宫 mount fuji, japan 日本富士山 taj mahal, india 印度泰姬陵 angkor wat, cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 bali, indonesia 印度尼
China's software outsourcing industry is considerably smaller than its much-heralded counterpart in India but it is growing fast, and unlike Indian firms, many Chinese companies are working on cutting-edge product development for the world'
Vuvuzela has been voted the word of the World Cup by global linguists who said Monday the tournament will be best remembered for the name of South Africa's deafening trumpet. 南非世界杯上球迷吹奏的喇叭呜呜祖拉于本周一获评
Paul the oracle octopus was given a replica of the World Cup on Monday as a reward for his perfect eight-for-eight record in picking matches as bettors worldwide collected their winnings based on his selections. 神算章鱼保罗于本周一