哪一张脸更具吸引力 Which face is more attractive? If you chose the face on the left, you share the tastes of most heterosexual men. It is a composite face, or morph, made from the faces of eight women with unusually small feet. The
裸字本来就是个常用字,是露出、没有遮盖的意思,英文是naked。赤裸裸往往用于比喻,如赤裸裸的骗子,英语说a swindler thorough and thorough。汉语赤膊(俗称光膀子),英语是bare to the wai
自2011年8月起,GRE一般考试(Graduate Record Examination General Test,北美研究生入学考试)将在全球范围内同步改革,改革后的GRE考试(GRE Revised General Test,以下简称新GRE)在内容和考试形式上都将
The last time Emily Bland met Rishi the orang-utan, they were both still at the crawling stage。 美国小女孩艾米莉和小猩猩里什初识时,还都处在刚会爬的婴儿阶段。 艾米莉和小猩猩里什初识 So when the pa
Helen: This street is about a mile long. Zo?: Its full of stalls. Helen: And its one of the best known street markets in the UK. Zo?: 这条街就是伦敦的Portobello Market, 真正的street market. 市场。 Helen: Hello, Im Helen. Welco
身披24号战衣的NBA湖人队球员科比绝对是今年的夺冠大热门,小编整理出他的经典语录,来看看你认同他的行事风格吗?你最喜欢的又是哪一句呢? Love me or hate me, it's one or the other. Al
China is to build an $8bn oil refinery in Nigeria. 中国将在尼日利亚投资建设一座80亿美元的炼油厂。 It will be the first of three refineries under a deal signed in May between Nigeria's state oil company, NNPC, and the C
bsolutely!-绝对正确 adorable!-可爱极了 amazing!-太神了 anytime!-随时吩咐 almost!-差不多了 awful!-好可怕啊 after u-您先 about when?-大约何时 all set?-一切妥当 allow me!-让我来 baloney!-胡扯!荒谬 behave
南非世界杯开赛在即,你为世界杯做足功课了吗?下面就来看看各种赛事都怎么说吧。 友谊赛 friendly The impressive nature of their 1-0 friendly win in Germany in March prompted critics to reassess their pre