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日期:2010-07-26 | 阅读:
Abdominal actinomycosis腹放线菌病 Abdominal bladder pubic split裂腹膀胱耻骨(畸形) Abdominal cicatrix腹壁瘢痕 Abdominal complaints; Abdominal disease; Celiopathy腹病 Abdominal contusion腹(部)挫伤 Abdominal diastematia;

Abdominal actinomycosis 腹放线菌病
Abdominal bladder pubic split 裂腹膀胱耻骨(畸形)
Abdominal cicatrix 腹壁瘢痕
Abdominal complaints; Abdominal disease; Celiopathy 腹病
Abdominal contusion 腹(部)挫伤
Abdominal diastematia; Diastematogastry 纵裂腹(畸形)
Abdominal fissure; Celioschisis; Celoschisis; Schistocelia 裂腹(畸形)
Abdominal injury; Injury of abdomen 腹部损伤
Abdominal paratyphoid fever 伤寒型副伤寒
Abdominal tuberculosis 腹部结核病
Abdominal tumor; Celioma; Celioncus 腹肿瘤; 腹壁肿瘤
Abdominal typhus; Typhoid fever; Typhoid; Cesspool fever; Lent fever; Enteric fever; Enteromesenteric fever; Collapsing typhus; Phthogenic fever; Autumnal fever; Typa fever; Nervous fever; Orthotyphoid; Night-soil fever; Peyerian fever 伤寒; 肠热病
Abenteric typhoid; Abenteric typhoid fever 非肠性伤寒
Abernethy's sarcoma 躯干脂肉瘤; Abernethy氏肉瘤
Ablephary 无睑(畸形)
Abnormal bone formation 骨发育异常; 假骨发生; 骨发育障碍
Abnormal dryness 干燥; 干燥病
Abnormal ossification; Osthexy 异常骨化; 骨化异常
Abnormal situation of hair 异部生毛; 假多毛病
Abnormal vessel formation 血管发育异常
Abnormality of development; Abnormal development; Abnormal formation 发育异常; 成形异常
Abortive disease 顿挫性病
Abortive pneumonia 顿挫性肺炎; 退化性肺炎
Abortive smallpox; Miliary smallpox 顿挫性天花; 粟粒性变痘
Abortive tuberculosis 顿挫性结核病
Abortive typhoid; Abortive typhoid fever 顿挫性伤寒
Abrachial fetus 无臂畸胎
Abrachiocephaly; Lipobrachiocephaly; Acephalobrachy 无头臂(畸形)
Abrachy; Abrachialism 无臂(畸形)
Abrasion; Rubbing off 擦破
Absence of limb; Amely 无肢(畸形)
Absence of ovary; Anovarism 无卵巢(畸形)
Absence of pancreas; Defect of pancreas 无胰腺(畸形)
Absence of pupil 无瞳孔(畸形)
Absolute idiosyncrasy 绝对特应性
Acanthocephalic disease 钩头虫病
Acanthotrial cysticercosis 三钩囊尾虫病
Acapnial alkalosis 碳酸缺乏性碱中毒
Acardiac monster; Omphalosite 无心寄生胎; 无心畸胎; 脐营养畸胎
Acardiac monstrosity 无心畸形
Acaulium disease 无茎霉菌病
Accessory cause 旁因
Accidental lesion; Accident trauma 意外伤; 偶伤
Acclimating fever; Acclimation fever 风土热
Accumulation of gas 积气; 积气病
Accumulation of tartar 齿石积聚
Acelious monster; Acelius 无腹畸胎
Acelious monstrosity 无腹(畸形)
Acephaloacardiac monster; Acephalocardy; Acephalic acardius 无头无心寄生胎
Acephalobrachial monster 无头臂畸胎
Acephalochiral monster 无头无手畸胎
Acephalochiry 无头无手(畸形)
Acephalogastric monster 无头胸上腹畸胎
Acephalogastry 无头胸上腹(畸形)
Acephalopodial monster 无头无足畸胎
Acephalopody 无头无足(畸形)
Acephalorachidial monster 无头无脊畸胎
Acephalorhachy 无头无脊(畸形)
Acephalostomic monster 无头无口畸胎
Acephalostomy 无头无口(畸形)
Acephalothoracic monster 无头胸畸胎
Acephalothoracy 无头胸(畸形)
Acephalotrachely 无头无颈畸胎
Acephaly; Acephalism 无头(畸形)
Acetic acid poisoning 醋酸中毒
Achily; Absence of lip 无唇(畸形)
Achiral fetus 无手畸胎
Achiry; Absence of hand 无手(畸形)
Achondroplastic dwarf 软骨荣养障碍性矮小
Achondroplasty; Achondroplasy; Chondrodystrophy; Cartilagineous ateliosis 软骨发育不全; 生长不良性软骨荣养障碍
Acid poisoning; Acid intoxication; Oxypathy; Acidism 酸类中毒; 酸中毒
Acidophilic adenoma 嗜酸织腺瘤
Acidophilism 嗜酸织腺瘤病象
Acidosteophyte 针状骨赘
Acinous cancer; Acinous carcinoma 腺泡癌
Acleitocardy 卵圆孔不闭心畸形
Acnemy 无腿(畸形)
Acollar uterus 无颈子宫(畸形)
Aconitine poisoning; Aconite poisoning 乌头碱中毒; 乌头中毒
Acormous monster 无躯干畸胎; 无体形畸胎
Acoustic nerve tumor 听神经瘤
Acquired alopecia 后天脱发; 后天毛发缺乏
Acquired disease 后天病
Acquired disposition; Acquired predisposition 后天素因
Acquired hypertrichosis 后天多毛
Acquired synchilia 后天并唇; 唇结联
Acquired syphilis 后天梅毒
Acquired tuberculosis 后天结核病
Acquired tumor 后天瘤
Acral hyperplasia 四肢发育过度
Acral thickening; Acropachy; Pachyacry 肢端肥厚
Acranial monster 无颅畸胎
Acranial monstrosity; Acrany 无颅(畸形)
Acrocephalosyndactyly; Apert's syndrom 尖长头并指(趾)(畸形); Apert氏合并症状
Acromegalic giantism 指端肥大症巨大发育
Acromegalism; Spurious acromegaly 类肢端肥大病; 假肢端肥大病
Acromegaly; Marie's disease; Acral hypertrophy 肢端肥大病; Marie氏病
Acromial fracture 肩峯骨折
Acromicry 小手足(畸形)
Acropathology 四肢病理学; 肢端病理学
Acropathy 肢端病
Acroteriasm 肢端缺损(畸形)
Actinic toxemia; Actinotoxemia 射线性毒血症
Actinomyces tumor 放线菌肿
Active hypertrophy; Hypertrophy from overwork 劳动性肥大; 主动肥大
Active pulmonary tuberculosis 发扬性肺结核
Active tuberculosis 发扬性结核病
Acute articular rheumatism; Acute rheumatic polyarthritis; Inflammatory rheumatism; Rheumatic fever; Acute rheumatic arthritis 急性多关节风湿; 炎性风湿; 急性风湿多关节炎
Acute beriberi; Pernicious beriberi; Cardiovascular beriberi 急性脚气; 恶性脚气; 心血管型脚气
Acute carcinosis 急性癌病
Acute catarrhal fever; Winter grip; Endemic influenza 类流行感冒; 欧洲流行感冒; 地方性感冒
Acute disease 急性病
Acute dysentery 急性痢疾
Acute emphysema 急性肺气肿
Acute exanthem 急性疹
Acute genorrhea 急性淋病
Acute glanders 急性鼻疽
Acute goiter 急性甲状腺肿
Acute lead poisoning 急性铅中毒
Acute lupus 急性狼疮
Acute mercurial poisoning 急性汞中毒
Acute poisoning 急性中毒
Acute pulmonary tuberculosis; Acute phthisis 急性肺结核
Acute rheumatism 急性风湿
Acute saplessness 急性体液缺乏
Acute splenic hypertropy 急性脾肥大
Acute splenomegaly; Acute splenic tumor 急性脾增大
Acute tuberculosis 急性结核病
Acute typhoidal tuberculosis; Tuberculous typhobacillosis 急性伤寒型结核病
Acutissime disease 最急性病
Acutissime smallpox 最急性天花; 天花紫癜
Acysty 无膀胱(畸形)
Adactyl fetus 无指(趾)畸胎
Adactyly; Adactylism 无指(趾)(畸形)
Adamantine adenoma 牙釉质腺瘤; 牙釉质瘤
Adamantine cancer 牙釉质癌
Adamantine epithelioma 牙釉质上皮瘤; 牙釉质瘤
Adaptive hypertrophy 适应性肥大
Addision-Gull's disease; Rayer's disease; Lipomatous fibroma; Vitiligoid molluscum 黄瘤; 脂瘤性纤维瘤; 白癜样软疣
Addison's keloid; Addison's morphae Addison氏瘢痕瘤; 硬斑
Adenal mycosis 腺霉菌病
Adenocyst 腺囊肿; 腺囊瘤
Adenogenous carcinoma 腺性癌; 腺原癌
Adenoid cancer; Tubular cancer; Duct cancer; Adenoid carcinoma; Duct-carcinoma 腺样癌; 管状癌; 圆柱瘤
Adenoid habit 腺增殖性体型
Adenoid nevoepithelioma 腺样上皮痣瘤
Adenoid tumor; Glandular tumor 腺瘤
Adenoid vegetation 腺样增殖体; 腺样体增殖
Adenoleiomyomatous fibroma 腺平滑肌纤维瘤
Adenoma of bladder 膀胱腺瘤
Adenoma of mucous glands 黏液腺瘤
Adenoma of prostata 前列腺腺瘤
Adenoma of sweat gland 汗腺瘤; 空洞性囊腺瘤; 空洞性瘤
Adenoma of vaginal portion of uterus 子宫阴道部腺瘤
Adenomatous carcinoma 腺瘤癌; 癌腺瘤
Adenomatous chondroma 腺软骨瘤
Adenomatous chondrosarcoma 腺软骨肉瘤
Adenomatous cystoma 腺囊瘤
Adenomatous fibroma 腺纤维瘤
Adenomatous goiter; Papillomatous goiter 腺瘤性甲状腺肿
Adenomatous lipoma 腺脂瘤
Adenomatous myoma 腺肌瘤
Adenomatous myosarcoma 腺肌肉瘤
Adenomatous myxoma 腺黏液瘤
Adenomatous polypus; Glandular polypus 腺瘤息肉; 腺息肉
Adenomatous sarcoma; Sarcoma of gland 腺肉瘤
Adenomyomatous fibroma 腺肌纤维瘤
Adenopathy; Glandular affection; Glandular disease 腺病
Adenosarcomatous rhabdomyoma 腺肉横纹肌瘤
Adenotyphoid fever 腺病性伤寒
Adermy; Absence of skin; Defect of skin 无皮(畸形)
Adgenic cyst 下颌骨黏连性皮样囊肿
Adhesion of cyst 囊肿黏着
Adhesion of limbs; Web-feet 并肢(畸形)
Adhyoid cyst 舌骨黏连性皮样囊肿
Adiathesy 非素质性疾病
Adiposogenital dystrophy; Froehlich's syndrome 肥胖性生殖无能性荣养障碍
Adipous dyscrasia 脂肪性体液不调; 脂肪恶液质
Adnexal tuberculosis 子宫附件结核
Adnexal tumour; Adnex tumor 子宫附件肿瘤
Adolescent goiter 青年甲状腺肿
Adolescent rickets 青年佝偻病
Adonidine poisoning; Adonidinism 侧金盏花中毒; 侧金盏苷中毒
Adrenal adenoma 肾上体腺瘤
Adrenal constitution; Adrenotropism 肾上体体质
Adrenal cortex hyperplasy; Interrenalism 肾上体皮质增殖
Adrenal syphilis 肾上体梅毒
Adrenalin poisoning 肾上线素中毒
Adult rickets 成人佝偻病
Adult scurvy 成人坏血病
Advanced disease 久远病; 增剧病
Adynamic measles 衰弱性麻疹
Adynamic remittent 衰弱性恶疟
Adynamic scarlet fever 衰弱性猩红热
Aedoeology; Edeology 生殖器学
Aerial infection; Air-borne infection 空气传染
Aerocoly; Gas in colon 结肠积气
Aerogastry; Gastric flatulence; Gas in stomach 胃积气
Aerogenic tuberculosis 气原肺结核
Aerolymphogenic tuberculosis 空气淋巴原肺结核
Aeropathy; Caisson-disease; Diver's disease; Tunnel disease; Compressed-air disease 潜水员病; 高气压病
Aesthematology; Esthematology; Aesthesiology; Esthesiology 觉官学; 触官学
Aetiology; Etiology; Nosetiology; Nosazontology 病原学
Afebrile measles 无热性麻疹
Afebrile scarlet fever; Apyretic scarlet fever 无热猩红热
Afebrile typhoid fever; Apyretic typhoid 无热性伤寒
Affection of auditory meatus 外耳道病
Affection of chorioid 脉络膜病
Affection of ciliary body [0XE132]状体病
Affection of horny layer 角质层病
Affection of infraspinous muscle 冈下肌病
Affection of nailbed 爪床病
Affection of nose; Nasal affection; Rhinopathy 鼻病
Affection of optic disc; Disease of opticus-nerve 视神经病
Affection of pons 桥脑病
Affection of portal vein 门静脉病
Affection of prickle layer 棘细胞层病
Affection of prostate; Prostatopathy 前列腺病
Affection of sebaceous gland; Steatopathy 皮脂腺病
Affection of smell; Olfactory affection 嗅觉病
Affection of taste; Gustatory affection 味觉病
Affection of tympanic membrane; Disease of tympanic membrane 皷膜病
Affection of uvula 悬雍垂病
African cachexia; Negro cachexia; Earth eating; Dirt-eating; Chthonophagy; Geophagy 黑人恶病质; 食土癖
African human trypanosomiasis; African lethargy; Negro lethargy; African sleeping sickness; Dutton's relapsing fever; Gambian sleeping-sickness; Gambian trypanosomiasis; Nelavan; African sickness; Congo trypanosomiasis 非洲锥虫病; Dutton氏病; 非洲睡病; Gambia(河)锥虫病; Gambia(河)锥虫性睡病
African relapsing fever; African tick fever 中非洲回归热; Dutton氏螺旋体病
Agaster; Absence of stomach 无胃(畸形)
Agenesomy 无生殖器(畸形)
Agenetic fracture 骨发育不全骨折
Agenital monster 无生殖器畸胎
Agerasy 驻颜老人; 不老容颜
Aglossostomy 无口舌(畸形)
Aglossy; Tonguelessness; Absence of tongue 无舌(畸形)
Agmatology; Science of fracture 骨折学
Agnathic monster 无颌畸胎
Agnathy 无颌(畸形)
Ague-cake 疟痞; 疟性脾肿;痞块
Ainhum; Ecrodactyly; Sukkla pakla 自发性指脱落; 阿洪病
Air in pleural cavity 气胸; 胸膜腔积气; 胸膜积气
Air-sickness; Aerial sickness; Aviation sickness; Aviators disease 航空病; 飞行家病
Air-tumor; Aerification; Distention with gas 气肿; 气瘤; 气腹
Albigenic ringworm 变白色癣; 变白色发癣菌病
Albumin deficiency 蛋白质缺乏; 蛋白质饥
Albumin deposition 淸蛋白沉着
Albuminous calculus 蛋白质结石; 蛋白核结石
Albuminous infiltration 淸蛋白浸润
Alcoholic poisoning; Alcoholism; Drunkenness; Inebriety; Intoxication; Alcoholic intoxication 醇中毒; 酒中毒
Aleukemic splenomegaly 非白血病脾增大
Aleukenic lymphadenoma 非白血病淋巴瘤
Algal disease 藻病
Algid cholera 冷霍乱
Algid malaria; Shaking ague 寒冷疟; 寒战疟
Algid pernicious fever 冷性恶疟
Alimentary osteopathy; Hunger osteopathy; Starvation osteopathy; War osteopathy 荣养性骨病; 饥饿骨病; 战场骨病
Alimentary toxemia 食饵性毒血症
Alimentary toxicosis; Food-intoxication; Pabulum poisoning; Food-poisoning; Bromatotoxism; Bromatoxism; Sitotoxism 食饵中毒; 食品中毒
Alkaloid poisoning 膺碱中毒
Allergic disease; Anaphylactic disease 异应性病; 过敏性病
Allergic skin-disease 变态反应性皮病
Allotriodonty 齿异位生长
Allotriolith 异位结石
Alternating calculus 相间层结石
Alum pneumonoconiosis; Pulmonary aluminosis 矾土肺; 肺矾土沉着病
Aluminium poisoning 铝中毒
Alveolar acanthoma 泡形棘皮瘤; 上皮瘤
Alveolar adenoma; Acinous adenoma 泡状腺瘤
Alveolar carcinoma; Cavernous cancer 蜂窝状癌; 海绵状癌
Alveolar emphysema; Vesicular emphysema; Alveolar ectasia 肺泡气肿
Alveolar endothelioma 泡状内皮瘤
Alveolar sarcoma 泡状肉瘤
Amasty; Absence of breast 无乳腺(畸形)
Ambulatory typhoid; Walking typhoid fever; Peripatetic typhoid 最轻伤寒; 逍遥伤寒
Amebiasis; Entamebiasis; Amebiosis; Endamebiasis 变形虫病; 内变形虫病
Amebiasm; Amebism; Amoebism 变形虫病征
Ameboid glioma 变形虫样神经胶瘤
Ameburia 变形虫尿
Amelic monster 无肢畸胎
American grip; Myxoidedema 美洲流行感冒
American relapsing fever 北美回归热; Novy氏螺旋体病
Ametry; Absence of uterus 无子宫(畸形)
Amino-acid diathesis 氨基酸素质
Ammoniacal poisoning; Ammonium poisoning 铵盐中毒
Amnion rupture 羊膜破裂
Amnionic tumor 羊膜瘤
Amniotic amputation 羊膜性截断
Amorphous acardius 无体形无心寄生胎
Amorphous disease 不定型病
Amphistoma disease 对口蛭病
Amputation neuroma 残肢神经瘤; 截断处神经瘤
Amyelencephalic monster 无脑脊髓畸胎
Amyelencephaly 无脑脊髓(畸形)
Amyelic monster 无脊髓畸胎
Amyelinic neuroma; Non-medullated neuroma 无髓鞘神经瘤
Amyely 无脊髓(畸形)
Amygalopathy; Affection of tonsil; Tonsillopathy 扁桃体病
Amyl alcohol poisoning; Amylism 戊醇中毒
Amyl nitrite poisoning 亚硝化醣中毒
Amylene poisoning 戊烯中毒
Amyloid deposition 拟淀粉沉着
Amyloid goiter 淀粉变性甲状腺肿
Amyloid infiltration 拟淀粉浸润
Amyotrophic spinal syphilis 肌萎缩性脊髓梅毒
Anacatadidymous teratism 中腰联胎; 中部联胎
Anadidymous teratism 单上身联胎; (双下身畸胎)
Anal atresia; Imperforate anus; Atretoprocty; Proctatresy 肛门闭锁(畸形); 锁肛
Anal cancer; Cancer of anus 肛门癌
Anal chancroid 肛门软下疳
Anal condyloma 肛门湿疣
Anal crack 肛门皲裂
Anal cystoma 肛门囊瘤
Anal fissure 裂肛(畸形)
Anal fissure; Anal tear; Allingham's painful ulcer 肛门裂(创)
Anal gonorrhea 肛门淋病
Anal polypus 肛门息肉
Anal scirrhus 肛门硬癌
Anal tuberculosis 肛门结核
Anal tumor 肛门肿瘤
Anamel cystadenoma 牙釉质囊腺瘤
Anandry 男征缺失
Anangioplasy; Anangioplasm; Imperfect vascular development 血管发育不全
Anasomatic monstrosity 肢躯黏着畸形
Anatomical wart; Postmortem wart; Necrogenic wart; Postmortem tubercle; Anatomic tubercle; Dissection tubercle; Dissecting-porter's wart; Warty tubercle 尸毒疣; 解剖疣; 疣性结核; 尸原结核
Ance keloid 痤疮瘢痕瘤; 发部乳头状皮炎
Andes disease; Monge's disease Andes山病; Monge氏病
Androgyny; Androgynism; Androgyneity 男性女子
Andrology 男科学
Andropathy 男子病
Androphany; Virilism 女子男征
Androsymphysy 男联胎
Anelytry; Absence of vagina 无阴道(畸形)
Anemic scurvy 贫血坏血病
Anemone poisoning; Anemonism 白头翁中毒
Anencephalic monster 无脑畸胎
Anencephaly; Absence of brain 无脑(畸形)
Anesthetic leprosy; Danielssen's disease; Celsus vitiligo 麻木性麻风; 麻木性象皮病; Danielssen氏病
Anesthetic skin-disease; Esthesiodermia 麻木性皮病
Aneurysmal diathesis 动脉瘤素质
Aneurysmatic goiter 动脉瘤性甲状腺肿; 搏动性甲状腺肿
Angibromic adenia 消化系淋巴腺肿
Anginous disposition 咽峡炎素因
Angioblastic meningioma 脑膜血管胚细胞瘤
Angiobromic adenopathy; Angiobromic adenias 消化道腺病
Angiocardiopathy 血管心病
Angiolith; Vascular calculus 血管石
Angiolithic sarcoma; Psammomatous sarcoma 血管结石性肉瘤; 砂肉瘤
Angiology 血管学
Angiomatous chondroma 血管软骨瘤
Angiomatous elephantiasis 血管瘤象皮病; 血管象皮病
Angiomatous myosarcoma 血管肌肉瘤
Angiomatous polypus; Vascular polypus 血管息肉; 血管瘤性息肉
Angiomatous sarcoma; Hemangiosarcoma; Angiouic sarcoma; Hemangiomatous sarcoma 血管肉瘤
Angiomyopathy 血管肌病
Angioneurotic skin-disease 血管神经性皮病
Angiopathic nephropathy 血管性肾病; 肾血管病
Angiopathology 血管病理学
Angioplastic infantilism; Anangioplastic infantilism 血管不全性幼稚型
Angioplastic sarcoma 血管形成性肉瘤
Angiospastic constitution 血管痉挛性体质
Angiospastic type 血管痉挛型
Angle of wound 伤口角部
Anilin cancer; Dye workers' cancer 苯胺癌
Aniline poisoning; Anilism 苯胺中毒
Animal pathology; Zoopathology 动物病理学
Animal toxin poisoning; Zootoxic poisoning 动物毒素中毒
Animism 灵气说; 灵气病原论
Aniridy; Aniridism 无虹膜(畸形)
Anlage 遗传单位; 始基
Annular foetal rickets; Annular rickets 胎儿环形佝偻病; 胎儿长骨环形增殖
Annular granuloma 环形肉芽肿; 环形苔癣
Annular lupus 环形狼疮
Annular syphilide 环形梅毒疹
Anodonty; Absence of teeth 无齿(畸形)
Anomalology; Anomalogy 异常学
Anomalonomy 异常论
Anomalotrophy; Abnormity of nutrition 荣养异常
Anonychy 无爪(畸形)
Anophthalmic monster; Eyeless fetus 无眼畸胎
Anophthalmy 无眼(畸形); 无眼球(畸形)
Anorchic fetus 无睪丸畸胎
Anorchy; Anorchism; Absence of testicle; Congenital eunuch 无睪丸(畸形)
Anorectal atresia 肛门直肠闭锁
Anorectal syphiloma 肛门直肠梅毒肿
Anosy; Without disease 无病
Anoty; Earlessness 无耳(畸形)
Ant bite disease 蚁科昆虫病; 蚁咬皮病
Ant poisoning 蚁中毒
Ant wart 蚁疣
Anteponing malaria 移前疟
Anterior dichotomy; Superior duplicity 双上身畸胎
Anterior urethral gonorrhea; Anterior gonorrhea 前尿道淋病
Anthorism; Diffuse swelling 弥漫性肿胀
Anthracemia 炭疽菌血(症)
Anthracotic tuberculosis; Black phthisis; Miner's phthisis 炭末吸入性肺结核; 黑肺痨; 矿工痨
Anthracotyphoid fever 炭疽性伤寒
Anthroponosology 人体病论; 人类病学
Antifebrin poisoning; Acetanilid poisoning 乙酰氨基苯中毒
Antimon poisoning; Stibialism 锑中毒
Antipyrine poisoning 安替比林中毒; 安替比林癖
Antipyrine rash 安替比林疹
Antitoxin rash 抗毒素疹
Antral polypus 上颌窦息肉
Antrochoanal polypus 颌窦鼻后孔息肉
Anurethry 无尿道(畸形)
Aortic diathesis; Aortism 主动脉病素质
Aortolith; Aortolite; Aortic stone 主动脉石
Aortopathy 主动脉病
Apex pneumonia 肺尖炎
Aphacy 无晶状体(畸形)
Aphasiology 失语论; 哑论
Aphthous cachexia 鹅口疮恶病质; 热带鹅口疮
Aphthous eruption 鹅口疮疹
Apical infection of lung 肺尖传染
Apical infection of tooth 齿根尖受染
Apical tuberculosis 肺尖结核
Apicocaudal phthisis 肺尖底结核; 下行性肺结核
Apioid cancer 梨状癌
Apleury 无肋(畸形)
Apneumony; Apulmonism; Absence of lung 无肺(畸形)
Apodial fetus; Teratism without feet 无足畸胎
Apodial sympus 无足并腿畸胎
Apody; Absence of feet; Askely 无足(畸形)
Apomorphine poisoning; Apomorphinism 阿朴吗啡中毒; 缩水吗啡中毒
Apophyseal fracture 骨凸骨折
Apophyseopathy; Schlatter's disease 骨凸病
Apoplectic anthrax 卒中性炭疽
Apoplectic cerebral syphilis 卒中性脑梅毒
Apoplectic cicatrix 中风瘢痕
Apoplectic cyst 中风性囊肿
Apoplectic habit 中风体型
Apoplectic rheumatism 中风性风湿
Aposthy; Absence of prepuce 无包皮(畸形)
Appendical pin-worm disease 蛲虫性阑尾病
Appendical worm disease 阑尾蠕虫病
Appendiceal cancer 阑尾癌
Appendicopathy 阑尾病; 蚓突病
Appendicular lithiasis 阑尾石病
Aprosopous fetus 无面畸胎
Aprosopy 无面(畸形)
Apyretic tetanus; Benign tetanus 无热性破伤风; 良性破伤风
Arachnoid cyst; Meningeal hematoma 蜘蛛膜囊肿
Arborescent lipoma 分枝脂瘤
Arcuate macula 弓形角膜斑
Arcuate uterus 弓形子宫(畸形)
Argentaffine tumor 嗜银组织瘤
Argyrism; Argentation; Silver deposition 银质沉着病
Arhinencephaly 无嗅脑(畸形)
Arhiny 无鼻(畸形)
Arnica poisoning 山金车中毒
Arrest of development; Arrested development 发育停顿
Arrested bone development 骨发育停顿
Arrested cerebral development 脑发育停顿
Arrested vaginal development 阴道发育停顿
Arsenic cancer 砒毒癌
Arsenic poisoning; Arsenism; Arsenicalism; Arsenical poisoning 砷中毒; 砒中毒
Arsenic rash 砒疹
Arsenic trichloride poisoning 三氯化砷中毒
Arsenical pigmentation 砒色素沉着
Arsenous oxide poisoning 氧化亚砷中毒; 白砒中毒; 信石中毒
Arsine poisoning 氢化砷中毒
Arterial calcification 动脉石灰化
Arterial disease; Arteriopathy 动脉病
Arterial goiter 动脉性甲状腺肿
Arterial hyperplasy; Excessive arterial development 动脉发育过度; 动脉增殖
Arterial injury; Injury to artery 动脉损伤
Arterial myomatosis 动脉肌瘤病
Arterial ossification 动脉骨化
Arteriolith; Arteriolite; Arterial calculus 动脉石
Arteriology 动脉学
Arteriosclerotic cardiopathy 动脉硬化性心病
Arthritic concretion; Arthritolith 关节炎性结石
Arthritic diathesis; Arthritism 关节炎素质
Arthritic habit 痛风体型
Arthrocacology 关节病学
Arthrology; Synosteology 关节学
Arthropathology; Joint pathology 关节病理学
Arthropod disease 节足动物病
Arthrotyphoid fever 关节病性伤寒
Articular calculus; Arthrolith 关节石
Articular cancer 关节癌
Articular fracture; Joint fracture 关节端骨折
Articular glanders 关节鼻疽
Articular malformation 关节畸形
Articular osteophyma 关节骨肿瘤
Articular outgrowth; Arthrophyte 关节赘疣
Articular rheumatism 关节风湿; 风湿多关节炎
Articular syphilis 关节梅毒
Articular tuberculosis; Joint tuberculosis 关节结核
Articular tumor; Tumor of joint 关节肿瘤
Articular xerosis; Joint dryness 关节干燥
Artificial pneumothorax 人工气胸
Asacry 无骶骨(畸形)
Ascarides disease; Ascaridopathy; Round worm disease 蛔虫病
Ascending gonorrhea 上行性淋病
Ascending nephropathy; Urogenic nephropathy 上行性肾病; 尿原肾病
Ascending renal tuberculosis 上行性肾结核
Ascending tetanus 上行性破伤风
Ascomycotic disease 囊菌病
Aseptic wound 无菌创伤; 无菌伤口; 无毒创伤
Asexual ateliosis; Asexual atelia 无性性发育不全
Asexual dwarf 性机能缺乏性矮小
Asiatic cholera; Indian cholera; Epidemic cholera; Malignant cholera; Pestilential cholera; Haouwa 霍乱; 亚洲霍乱; 印度霍乱; 流行性霍乱
Asiatic relapsing fever; Carter's fever 亚洲回归热
Asomatic acardius 无躯无心寄生胎
Asomy 无躯干(畸形)
Aspalasomatic monster 田鼠样畸胎; 块形体畸胎
Aspergillar pseudotuberculosis 曲菌性假结核病
Aspergillus-mycosis 曲菌病
Asphyctic cholera 假死性霍乱
Aspleny; Absence of spleen 无脾(畸形)
Associated disease; Complication 伴发病; 兼发病
Asterny 无胸骨(畸形)
Asthenic constitution 衰弱体质
Asthenic habit; Valetudinarianism 衰弱体型
Asthenic measles; Nervous measles 神经性麻疹; 伤寒型麻疹
Asthenic type 衰弱型
Asthenic typhoid fever 衰弱者伤寒
Asthmatic phthisis 气喘性肺结核
Astomy; Lipostomy; Absence of mouth opening 无口(畸形)
Astroblastic tumor 星形胚细胞瘤
Astrocytic tumor 星形细胞瘤
Asylum dysentery; Institutional dysentery 养育院痢疾
Asymmetric double uterus 非对称双子宫(畸形)
Asymmetric monocephalus 非对称单头联胎
Asyntrophy 发育不均
Ataxic lymphopathy 共济失调性淋巴病
Atelencephaly; Cerebral ateliosis 脑发育不全
Ateliotic dwarf; Lorain's disease 发育不全性矮小; Lorain氏病
Atelocardy; Cardiately; Cardiac ateliosis 心发育不全
Concentric cardiac hypertrophy 同心性心肥大
Concentric fibroma (of uterus) 同心性子宫纤维瘤
Concentric hypertrophy 同心性肥大
Concrement; Stone; Concretion 结石; 石
Concretion of lacrymal sac; Calculus of lacrimal sac 泪囊石
Concurrent infection 合并传染
Concussion of brain; Cerebral corcussion 脑震荡
Concussion; Shock; Agitation; Shaking 震荡
Condrofibromatous myxosarcoma 软骨纤维黏液肉瘤
Condylar fracture 髁骨折
Confluent favus 密黄癣; 融合黄癣
Confluent kidney; Fused kidney; Solitary kidney 并肾(畸形); 融合肾
Confluent measles 融合麻疹
Confluent smallpox 融合痘; 融合性天花
Congelation; Freezing 凝冻
Congenerous disease; Allied disease 同种病
Congenital ateliosis; Congenital aplasia 先天发育不全; 先天不育
Congenital baldness; Congenital alopecia 先天毛发缺乏; 先天秃
Congenital cystic elephantiasis 先天囊肿性象皮病
Congenital cystic hygroma of neck 先天颈部水囊肿; 先天颈部淋巴瘤
Congenital cystic lymphangioma of neck 先天囊状颈淋巴管瘤
Congenital defect 裂隙; 缺损
Congenital deformity; Antenatal deformity; Congenital monstrosity; Congenital teratism 先天畸形
Congenital dermathypertrophy 先天皮肤肥大
Congenital disease 先天病
Congenital disposition; Natural predisposition 先天素因
Congenital elephantiasis 先天象皮病
Congenital fracture; Intrauterine fracture 先天骨折; 子宫内骨折
Congenital giantism 先天巨大发育
Congenital goiter 先天甲状腺肿
Congenital hypertrichosis 先天多毛
Congenital malaria 先天疟
Congenital nevus; Mother mark; Birth mark; Mother's mark 胎记; 胎痣; 先天痣
Congenital ossification of cranial sutures 颅缝先天骨化
Congenital pterygium 先天翼状胬肉
Congenital rickets 先天佝偻病
Congenital synchilia 先天并唇; 唇闭锁(畸形)
Congenital syphilis; Early congenital syphilis 早发性先天梅毒; 早发遗传梅毒
Congenital syphilis; Hereditary syphilis; Inheritable syphilis; Inherited syphilis 先天梅毒; 遗传(性)梅毒
Congenital tuberculosis; Hereditary tuberculosis; Inherited tuberculosis 先天结核病; 遗传结核
Congenital tumor 先天瘤; 反常瘤
Congenital wart 先天疣
Congestive diathesis 充血素质
Congestive meteorism 郁积性鼓胀
Congestive pernicious malaris; Congestive chill 充血型恶疟
Congestive pneumothorax 充血气胸
Conglomerated tubercle 簇聚结核节
Coniine poisoning; Coniism; Conium poisoning 毒芹碱中毒; 班芹中毒
Conjugal carcinoma; Conjugal cancer 伉俪癌
Conjugal disease 伉俪病; 和合病
Conjunctival callosity 结合膜胼胝
Conjunctival cyst 结合膜囊肿
Conjunctival diphthery 结合膜白喉
Conjunctival dryness 结合膜干燥
Conjunctival leprosy 结合膜麻风
Conjunctival lithiasis 结合膜石形成
Conjunctival siderosis 结合膜铁质沉着病
Conjunctival tumour 结合膜肿瘤
Conjunctival xerosis 眼干燥病; 结合膜干燥病
Connective tissue tumor 结缔织瘤
Consecutive infection 连续传染
Constellation pathology 复凑病理学
Constitution; Crasy 体质
Constitutional cause 体质病因
Constitutional disease 体质病
Constitutional syphilis 体质性梅毒
Constitutional thrombopathy 体质性血小板病
Constitutional type 体质定型; 体型
Contact carcinoma 接触癌
Contagious anthrax 传染性炭疽
Contagious infectious disease; Contagious disease 接触传染病; 触染病
Contagious molluscum; Epithelial molluscum; Atheromatous molluscum; Bateman's disease; Tuberculoid acne; Umbilicated tuberculous acne; Bazin 触染性软疣; 上皮软疣; 溢脂软疣; 葡萄球菌棘皮瘤; 软疣痤疮; 毛囊湿疣; 瓷光湿疣; Bateman氏病
Contractural diathesis 挛缩素质
Contrafissure; Counterfissure 对抗裂
Contributory cause 辅因
Contused gunshot; Contusion from ricochet ball 反跃弹伤; 弹子反击伤
Contused wound 挫创; 打伤
Contusion of bone; Osteal contusion 骨挫伤
Contusion of head 头(部)挫伤
Contusion of intestine 肠挫伤
Contusion of joint; Articular contusion 关节挫伤
Contusion of mammary gland 乳腺挫伤
Contusion of mucous membrane 黏膜挫伤
Contusion of muscle; Muscular contusion 肌肉挫伤; 肌肉压伤
Contusion of nerve; Nerve contusion 神经挫伤
Contusion of skin; Cutaneous contusion 皮肤挫伤
Contusion of spinal cord; Spinal contusion 脊髓挫伤
Contusion of testicles 睾丸挫伤
Contusion of thorax; Thoracic contusion 胸(部)挫伤
Contusion of tissue 组织挫伤
Contusion tuberculosis 挫伤结核病
Convallamarine poisoning; Convallamarinism 君影草中毒; 铃兰苷中毒
Convolvulin poisoning; Jalap poisoning 泻根苷中毒; 泻根中毒
Convulsive ergotism; Creeping sickness 痉挛性麦角中毒; 蚁走病
Copaiva rash 古巴香疹
Copper deposition; Copper dust disease 铜屑沉着症; 铜化症; 铜质沉着症
Copper poisoning 铜中毒
Copremia; Stercoremia; Scatemia; Intestinal toxemia; Scoretemia 粪性毒血症
Coprolith; Alvine calculus; Fecalith; Stercolith; Fecal concretion; Alvinolith; Stercorolith 粪石
Cordiform uterus 心形子宫
Corn 钉胼; 鸡眼
Corn of feet 足部钉胼; 鸡眼
Corn-cockle poisoning; Githagism 剪秋萝苷中毒; 剪秋萝中毒
Corneal abrasion; Rubbing off of cornea 角膜擦破
Corneal cancer 角膜癌
Corneal cicatrix 角膜瘢痕
Corneal infiltration 角膜浸润
Corneal malacia 角膜软化病
Corneal mycosis 角膜霉菌病
Corneal opacity; Corneal macula 角膜斑
Cutaneous liomyoma 皮肤平滑肌瘤
Cutaneous lupus 皮肤狼疮
Cutaneous lymphadenoma 皮肤淋巴腺瘤
Cutaneous lymphogranulomatosis 皮肤淋巴肉芽肿
Cutaneous lymphopathy 皮肤淋巴病
Cutaneous myoma; Myoma of skin 皮肤肌瘤
Cutaneous neuroma 皮肤神经瘤
Cutaneous nevus 皮肤痣
Cutaneous oidiomycosis 皮肤卵霉菌病
Cutaneous ossification 皮肤骨化
Cutaneous osteoma 皮肤骨瘤
Cutaneous outgrowth 皮肤赘疣
Cutaneous pigmentation 皮肤色素沉着
Cutaneous plague; Cellulocutaneous plague 皮肤鼠疫
Cutaneous sarcoma; Skin sarcoma 皮肤肉瘤
Cutaneous sporotrichosis 皮(肤)胞子丝菌病
Cutaneous syphilis; Dermosyphilopathy; Syphiloderm; Syphilide; Syphilitic eruption; Syphilitic skin disease 梅毒皮病; 梅毒疹; 皮肤梅毒
Cutaneous trichophytosis; Epidermic trichophylosis 表皮癣菌病; 表皮癣
Cutaneous tubercle 皮肤结块; 赘疣
Cutaneous tuberculosis; Skin tuberculosis 皮肤结核病; 皮结核
Cutaneous tumor; Tumor of skin 皮肤肿瘤
Cutaneous wart 皮肤疣
Cutaneous worm disease 皮肤蠕虫病
Cutaneus diphthery 皮白喉
Cyclencephalic monster 并脑畸胎
Cyclencephaly 并脑(畸形)
Cyclomastopathy; Eccyclomastopathy 结块性乳腺病
Cyclopic anophthalmia 并眼无眼球(畸形)
Cyclopic monster 并眼畸胎; 独眼畸胎
Cyclopic monstrosity; Synopsy; Synophthalmy 并眼(畸形); 独眼(畸形)
Cyclotic monster 并耳畸胎
Cycloty; Fusion of ears 并耳(畸形)
Cylindrical adenoma 圆柱腺瘤
Cylindrical epithel cancer; Cylindrical-celled cancer; Cylinder-cell carcinoma; Cylindrical carcinoma; Columnar-celled carcinoma 圆柱上皮癌; 圆柱细胞癌
Cylindrical epithelioma; Cylindrocellular epithelioma; Cylindriform epithelial cancer; Cylinder-cell cancer; Columnar-celled epithelioma; Columnar epithelioma 圆柱上皮瘤; 圆柱细胞瘤
Cylindrical tumor 圆柱瘤; 管形瘤; 管状癌
Cylindromatous endothelioma 圆柱内皮瘤
Cylindromatous sarcoma 圆柱肉瘤; 圆柱瘤性肉瘤
Cyllosomatic monster 残疾体形畸胎
Cyprinus barbus poisoning 鲤中毒
Cyst 囊肿
Cyst cavity 囊肿腔
Cyst formation; Cystogeny; Genesis of cysts 囊肿形成
Cyst of hymen 处女膜囊肿
Cyst of mammary gland 乳腺囊肿
Cyst of pineal gland 松果体囊肿
Cyst of vitelline duct 卵黄管原囊肿
Cyst sac 囊肿囊
Cystadenomatous carcinoma 囊腺癌
Cystencephalic monster 囊化脑畸胎
Cystencephaly; Cystencephalic monstrosity 囊化脑(畸形)
Cystic adenoid acanthoma 囊性腺样棘皮瘤; 囊性腺样上皮瘤
Cystic adenoma; Adenomatous cystoma 囊腺瘤; 腺囊瘤
Cystic adenosarcoma; Cystadenomatous sarcoma 囊腺肉瘤
Cystic bifid spine 囊状裂脊柱(畸形); 囊状脊柱裂
Cystic bilharziasis 膀胱住血裂体蛭病
Cystic bone tumor 骨囊瘤
Cystic cancer; Cystic carcinoma 囊状癌
Cystic colpohyperplasia; Emphysematous colpohyperplasy; Vaginal emphysema; Emphysematous colpitis; Vesicular colpitis 囊性阴道组织增殖; 气泡样阴组织增殖; 阴道气肿; 气肿性阴道炎; 小泡性阴道炎
Cystic diathesis 囊肿素质
Cystic diphthery 膀胱白喉
Cystic elephantiasis 囊肿象皮病
Cystic epithelioma 囊性上皮瘤
Cystic fibroma 囊性纤维瘤
Cystic fibroma of nares 鼻孔囊性纤维瘤
Cystic fibromyxoma 囊性纤维黏液瘤
Cystic glioma 囊性神经胶瘤
Cystic goiter; Cystic bronchocele 囊性甲状腺肿
Cystic hygroma 囊状水囊肿
Cystic lipoma 囊性脂瘤
Cystic lithiasis 膀胱石病(深圳英语翻译公司
Cystic lymphangioma 囊状淋巴管瘤
Cystic myoma 囊状肌瘤
Cystic myxoma; Cystoid myxoma 囊性黏液瘤
Cystic neuroma 囊性神经瘤(深圳英语翻译公司
Cystic osteodystrophy; Recklinghausen's disease 囊肿性骨荣养障碍; 囊肿性纤维性骨炎; Reckling-hausen氏病
Cystic sarcoma 囊状肉瘤
Cystic syphilis 膀胱梅毒
Cystic teratoma 囊肿性畸胎瘤
Cystic tuberculosis 膀胱结核(深圳英语翻译公司
Cystic tumor; Hollow tumor 囊瘤
Cysticercus disease 囊尾虫病; 绦虫幼虫病; 幼绦虫病
Cystiform dilatation of kidney; Cystic disease of kidney 肾脏囊肿病
Cystin calculus; Cystin stone; Cystic-oxide calculus 膀胱酸结石
Cystogenic renal tuberculosis 膀胱原肾结核
Cystoid cicatrix 囊状瘢痕(深圳英语翻译公司
Cystomatous chondroma 囊性软骨瘤; 软骨囊瘤
Cystomyxomatous adenoma 囊性黏液腺瘤
Cyst-wall 囊肿壁
Cytisin poisoning; Poisoning by cytisus laburnum 金雀花碱中毒; 金雀花中毒
Cytopathology; Pathology of cells 细胞病理学
Cytopathy 细胞病
Darier's disease; Follicular psorospermosis 增殖性鱼浆子虫病; 毛囊角化病; Darier氏病; 毛囊鳞癣
Darnel poisoning; Poisoning with lolium temulentum 毒麦中毒
Daughter cyst 子包虫囊; 子包
Decemcostalism 十肋(畸形)
Deciduocellular sarcoma 蜕膜细胞肉瘤
Decomposition of cartilage 关节软骨脱离
Decompression injury 压力缺乏性创伤(英语翻译服务
Decompression lesion 减压性损害
Deep blastomycosis 深性酿母菌病(英语翻译服务
Deep cutaneous cancer 深入性皮癌
Deep incised wound 深切创(英语翻译服务
Deep perineal rupture 深会阴破裂
Deep wound 深伤口(英语翻译服务
Defective development; Imperfect development; Incomplete formation; Hypoplasy; Hypoplasty 发育不全; 成形不全
Defervescing plague 退热性鼠疫
Deficient callus formation 骨痂形成不足(英语翻译服务
Definitive callus; Permanent callus 永久骨痂
Deformed dwarf 变形性矮小
Deformity of limb; Ectromely 四肢不全(畸形); 毁肢畸形
Degeneracy 衰颓病
Degeneration cyst; Evolution cyst 变性性囊肿
Degenerative lesion 变性性损害(专业翻译服务
Degenerative pannus 变性性血管翳
Degenerative tuberculosis 变性结核病
Dehydration of tissues 组织体液缺乏(专业翻译服务
Delayed congenital syphilis 晚发性先天梅毒; 晚发遗传梅毒
Delayed malaria; Postponing malaria; Postponing intermittent 移后疟
Delayed poisoning 迟发中毒
Delayed tetanus; Late tetanus 迟发性破伤风
Demimonstrosity 半畸形; 官能无害性畸形
Demodectic acariasis 皮脂腺虫病(专业翻译服务
Dendritic osteophyte 树根状骨赘
Dendritic tumor 枝状瘤
Dengue (fever); Breakbone fever; Dandy fever; Aden fever; Aden ague; Bucket fever; Three-days' fever; Sun fever; Solar fever; African fever 登革热; 关节疹热; 风湿猩红热; 地方性蔷薇疹热(深圳翻译服务
Dental aplasia 齿成形不全
Dental calculus; Serumal calculus; Tartar of teeth; Odontolith; Dental tophus 齿根石; 血淸石
Dental cyst; Radicular cyst; Root cyst 齿根囊肿
Dental exostosis; Cementicle 齿部外生骨赘; 牙骨赘(深圳翻译服务
Dental injury; Injury to tooth 齿损伤
Dental malformation 齿畸形
Dental osteoma; Dental exostosis; Ivory exostosis; Odontoblastic tumor 齿瘤; 齿外生骨瘤; 齿胚细胞瘤; 齿骨瘤
Dental root cyste 齿根囊瘤
Dental sarcoma; Odontogenic sarcoma 齿龈肉瘤(深圳翻译服务
Dentate fracture 相嵌骨折
Dentigerous cyst 含齿囊肿
Dentinal tumor 齿质瘤
Dentitional disorder 生齿期病
Dentritic calculus; Coral calculus; Dendritic stone 分枝形结石
Dentritic cancer 枝状癌; 乳头状瘤
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