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日期:2010-07-26 | 阅读:
鞑靼式炸鱼 Fried fish in tartar sauce 大葱烧鸭 Braised duck with scallions 大地田鸡 Fried frogs with bamboo shoots 大鸡三味 Chicken with three special ingredients 大理石布丁 Marblepudding 大米布丁 Rice pudding 大米

鞑靼式炸鱼 Fried fish in tartar sauce
大葱烧鸭 Braised duck with scallions
大地田鸡 Fried frogs with bamboo shoots
大鸡三味 Chicken with three special ingredients
大理石布丁 “Marble”pudding
大米布丁 Rice pudding
大米盒 Puff pie
大米鸡块汤 Chicken and rice soup
大米稀饭 Congee
大酿鸭脯 Stuffed duck breast in wine
大醸竹笋 Bamboo shoots cooked with wine
大拼盘 Hors d′oeuvres(extra large)
大千鸡 Daqian chicken Sichuan chicken
大上海拼盘 Shanghai style assorted cold dishes
大石斑二味 Grouper with two special ingredients
大蒜干贝 Steamed scallop with garlic
大汤黄鱼 Braised croaker soup
大王鸡肉饼 Minced chicken cakes
大虾 Prawn
大虾炒饭 Fried rice with king prawns
大虾冻子 Prawn jelly
大虾鸡蛋炒面 Fried noodles with prawns and eggs
大虾泥子 Minced king prawns
大虾肉丁炸酱面 Boiled noodles with fried soy bean paste with king prawn and pork
大虾色拉 Prawn salad
大香槟 Champagne
担担面 Dan dan noodles,Sichuan style
蛋炒饭 Egg fried rice
蛋咖喱 Egg curry
蛋糕 Cake
蛋黄汤 Egg yolk soup
蛋煎虾饼 Fried shrimp cake
蛋酥花仁 Peanut cake
蛋笋煎干贝 Fried scallop with eggs and bamboo shoots
蛋煎笋虾仁 Fried shrimp with eggs and bamboo shoots
蛋笋煎蟹肉 Fried crab with eggs and bamboo shoots
蛋蟹炒翅 Fried shark′s fin with crab meat and eggs
德国面包 German bread
德国牛排 Hamburger steak
德式牛肉扒蛋 Hamburger steak and egg
灯笼大虾 “Lantern”King prawns
鼎湖上素 Vegetarian dish,Dinghu style
东江盐焗鸡 Hakka style braised chicken in gravy
东江盐烤鸡 Hakka style salt baked chicken
东坡火锅 Dongpo hot pot
冬虫扒鸭 Braised duck with Chinese caterpillar fungus
冬菇冬笋 Saute dried mushroom and bamboo shoots
冬菇豆腐 Bean curd with mushroom
冬菇鸡片 Chicken with Chinese black mushroom
冬菇*蹄 Pig′s trotters with mushrooms
冬瓜火腿汤 Winter melon(white gourd)and ham soup
冬瓜蓉烧饼 Fried pasty with sweet winter melon(white gourd)
冬瓜汤 Consommé with winter melon (white gourd)
冬蘑面 Mushroom noodles
冬笋北菇 Bamboo shoots and mushroom
冬笋炒肉丝 Saute shredded pork with bamboo shoots
冬笋炒鱿鱼 Fried squid with fresh bamboo shoots
冬笋鸡片 Saute sliced chicken with bamboo shoots
冬笋龙球 Fried macao sole fish balls with bamboo shoots
冬笋焖胗 Gizzard with bamboo s 

蛤蟆鲍鱼 Abalone cooked like frog
蛤蟆鸡 Chicken cooked like frog
海米白菜 Saute cabbage with dried shrimp
海米白莱汤 Cabbage soup with dried shrimp
海红鱼翅 Steamed crab and shark′s fin
海红鱼唇 Steamed crab and fish lips
海绵布丁 Sponge pudding
海参烩鸡丝 Stewed sea cucumber with shredded chicken
海参美鲍 USAbalone with sea cucumber
海参扒鸡条 Sea cucumber with chicken slices
海参肉片 Saute sea cucumber with pork
海参鱼肚 Saute sea cucumber with fish maw
海味扒鱼翅 Braised shark′s fin with assorted seafood
海杂拌儿 Assorted sea food
蚝皇菜胆 Cabbage in oyster sauce
蚝油白鸡 Chicken in oyster sauce
蚝油鲍脯 Stewed abalone in oyster sauce
蚝油鲍鱼 Braised abalone in oyster sauce
蚝油菜鸡条 Sliced chicken in oyster sauce with vegetable
蚝油冬菇 Fried mushroom in oyster sauce
蚝油冬笋 Fried bamboo shoots in oyster sauce
蚝油豆腐 Bean curd in oyster sauce
蚝油广肚 Stewed fish maw in oyster sauce,Guangdong style
蚝油花雀 Fried sparrow in oyster sauce
蚝油焗鸡 Whole baked chicken in oyster sauce
蚝油焗鸽 Baked pigeon in oyster sauce
蚝油牛肉 Fried beef in oyster sauce
蚝油牛肉片 Fried sliced beef in oyster sauce
蚝油手撕鸡 Shredded chicken in oyster sauce
蚝油炆鸡 Braised chicken in oyster sauce
蚝油炆鸡翼 Braised chicken wings in oyster sauce
蚝油钱菇 Fried fresh mushroom in oyster sauce
蚝油小鲍鱼 Fried abalone in oyster sauce
蚝汁鲍片 Abalone slices in oyster sauce
海参面 Noodles made from sorghum flour with sea cucumber
荷包蛋 Poached eggs
荷包里脊 Lotus leaf pork fillet
荷花鱼肚 Lotus shaped fish maw
荷叶饼 Lotus leaf shaped pancake
荷叶粉蒸鸡 Steamed chicken wrapped in lotus leaf
荷叶粉蒸肉 Steamed pork wrapped in lotus leaf
荷叶肉 Lotus leaf pork
荷叶烧鱼 Lotus leaf fish
核桃妙鸡胗片 Fried sliced chicken gizzards with walnuts
核桃炒虾仁 Fried shrimps with walnuts
核桃鸡丁 Diced chicken with walnuts
核桃酪 Walnut purée
核桃甜酪 Walnut sweet purée
核桃虾仁 Fried shrimp with walnuts
黑胡椒炖鸡 Stewed chicken with black pepper
黑面包 Brown bread
黑鱼子 Black caviar
烘鱿鱼干 Grilled dried squid
红斑 Red grouper
红菜汤 Borsch
红蛋 Red dyed boiled eggs
红豆配雪糕 Red bean sundae
红烩鹌鹑蛋 Stewed quail eggs in brown sauce
红烩虎皮鸽蛋 Boi

火腿冬瓜汤 Ham and winter melon(white gourd)soup
火腿鸽松 Minced pingeon and ham
火腿鸡烩通粉 Macaroni with chicken and ham
火腿鸡焗通粉 Baked macaroni with chicken and ham
火腿鸡肉三明治 Chicken and ham sandwich
火腿计司鸡排 Chicken joint with ham and cheese
火腿计司炸大虾 Fried prawns with ham and cheese
火腿计司炸*排 Fried pork chop with ham and cheese
火腿煎鸡蛋 Fried ham and eggs
火腿茭白 Ham and wild rice stem
火腿津白 Braised tianjin cabbage with ham
火腿末炒蛋 Omelette with minced ham
火腿扒 ham steak
火腿八配菜 Braised ham with vegetables
火腿拼鸡片 Fried chicken and ham
火腿拼虾仁 Fried shrimp and ham
火腿肉圆烧海参 Stewed sea cucumber with pork balls and ham slices
火腿三明治 Ham sandwich
火腿色拉 Ham salad
火腿烧鸡 Fried chicken with ham
火腿丝清汤 Sliced ham in clear soup
火腿通粉奶油汤 Ham and macaroni cream soup
火腿虾松 Fried minced prawn with ham and lettuce
火腿银丝卷 Ham silver rolls
火腿鱼 Ham with fish
火腿炸禾花雀 Fried rice birds with ham
火腿汁煎鱼 Fried fish with ham in sauce
火腿*肚汤 Pig′s stomach and ham soup
火鸭荷叶饭 Roast duck with rice wrapped in lotus leaves
火鸭芥菜汤 Sliced roast duck and leaf mustard soup

鸡保饭 Chicken rice ,Shanghai style
鸡蛋炒饭 Fried rice with eggs
鸡蛋蕃茄色拉 Tomato and egg salad
鸡蛋卷糖酱 Egg rolls with jam
鸡蛋青鱼泥子 Minced black carp with egg
鸡蛋色拉 Egg salad
鸡蛋土豆沙拉 Egg and potato salad
鸡蛋汁蒸鱼 Steamed fish with egg sauce
鸡丁 Diced chicken
鸡丁炒蛋 Scrambled egg with diced chicken
鸡丁豌豆汤 Diced chicken and green pea soup
鸡冻 Cold chicken jelly
鸡咖喱 Chicken curry
鸡肝串 Chicken liver shashlik
鸡肝冬笋 Chicken liver with bamboo shoots
鸡肝火腿鸡 Chicken liver with ham
鸡肝泥子 Minced chicken liver
鸡骨酱 Chicken bone purée
鸡锅批 Chicken potpie
鸡火炒面 Fried noodles with chicken and ham
鸡块面条汤 Diced chicken noodle soup
鸡块汤 Diced chicken soup
鸡块鱼肚 Saute chicken and fish maw
鸡兰鱼翅 Shark′s fin with chicken and bamboo shoots
鸡兰炒牛奶 Chicken with milk sauce
鸡粒馅儿饼 Savoury cake stuffed with chicken
鸡粒奶油汤 Cream of chicken soup
鸡粒青豆清汤 Consommé with diced chicken and green beans
鸡米鹿筋 Diced chicken and deer′s tendon
鸡皮瓤虾胶 Chicken′s skin stuffed with shrimp purée
鸡片锅粑菜 Chicken with crispy rice
鸡片捞面 Chicken soup noodles
鸡片鱼肚 Fish maw and sliced chicken
鸡脯色拉 Chicken breast salad
鸡脯丸子 Chicken breast balls
鸡球鲍脯 Braised abalone with chicken balls
鸡球炒面 Fried noodles with chicken balls

鸡球饭 Steamed rice with chicken
鸡蓉菜心 Chicken with green vegetable hearts
鸡蓉炖宫燕 Braised bird′s nest vith chicken
鸡蓉干贝菜花 Scallops with cauliflower and chicken
鸡蓉海参 Sea cucumber with chicken
鸡蓉芦笋汤Chicken and asparagus soup
鸡茸粟米 Stewed millet with chicken
鸡茸粟米羹 Minced chicken and millet soup
鸡茸燕窝 Bird′s nest with chicken
鸡茸鱼翅 Chicken with shark′s fin
鸡茸鱼肚 Fish maw with chicken
鸡肉火腿丝通心粉 Macaroni with chicken and ham
鸡肉泥子 Minced chicken
鸡肉三味夹 Chicken sandwich
鸡肉沙爹 Chicken satay
鸡肉色拉 Chicken salad
鸡汤 Chicken soup
鸡汤鱼卷 Fish rolls in chicken soup
鸡腿菌丝清汤 Chicken leg and sliced mushroom soup
鸡腿泡蛋清汤 Chicken and egg soup
鸡三明治 Chicken sandwich
鸡丝炒饭 Chicken fried rice
鸡丝炒面 Fried noodles with chicken shreds
鸡丝莼莱汤 Water shield vegetable soup with chicken shreds
鸡丝蛋炒饭 Fried rice with sliced chicken and egg
鸡丝冬粉 Chicken shreds and vermicelli
鸡丝冬皮 Cold green bean noodles with chicken shreds
鸡丝芙蓉 Chicken shreds with egg white
鸡丝黄瓜 Chicken shreds with Cucumber shreds
鸡丝烩伊面 Soft noodles with chicken shreds
鸡丝烩鱼翅 Shark′s fin with sliced chicken
鸡丝烩鱼肚 Shredded chicken with fish maw
鸡丝凉面 Cold noodles with chicken shreds
鸡丝清汤 Sliced chicken clear soup
鸡丝色拉 Chicken salad
鸡丝汤面 Noodle soup with chicken shreds
鸡丝西红柿炒面 Fried noodles and tomato
鸡丝燕窝汤 Bird′s nest and sliced chicken soup
鸡丝鱼翅 Stewed shark′s fin with chicken shreds
鸡丝杂碎 Sliced chicken chop suey

姜葱炒蟹 Braised crab in ginger and onion
姜葱牛肉 Mongolian beef with ginger and onion
姜丝拌干丝 Shredded dried bean curd and ginger
姜丝牛肉丝 Fried shredded beef and ginger
姜汁扁豆 French beans with ginger sauce
姜汁菠菜 Spinach in ginger sauce
姜汁焗鲤鱼 Carp baked with ginger and scallion
姜汁松花 Preserved eggs in ginger sauce
姜汁仔鸡 Spring chicken with ginger sauce
酱爆核桃鸡丁 Diced chicken with walnuts in soya sauce
酱爆鸡丁 Diced chicken in bean sauce
酱爆里脊丁 Diced pork fillet in bean sauce
酱爆牛肉丁 Quick-Fried diced beef in bean sauce
酱爆肉丁 Saute pork with soy bean sauce
酱爆熏鸡丝 Quick-fried shredded smoked chicken in bean sauce
酱爆鸭片菜心 Quick-fried sliced Beijing duck with vegetable
酱豆腐 Preserved bean curd
酱烩蛋 Boiled eggs cooked in soy Sauce
酱鸡 Stewed chicken in soy sauce
酱麻油拌黄瓜 Fresh cucumber in soy sauce with sesame oil
酱麻油拌鲜蚶 Scalded scallops in soy sauce with sesame oil
酱牛肉 Spiced beef
酱泡肉片 Spiced sliced pork
酱泡肉丝 Shredded pork in soy sauce
酱瓤肚 Stuffed tripe in soy sauce
酱托肉丝 Fried shredded pork In bean sauce
酱鸭 Stewed duck in soy sauce
酱鸭膀 Stewed duck wings in soy sauce
酱糟鱼 Fried pickled fish in soy sauce
酱汁活鱼 Fried fish in soy sauce
酱汁鲤鱼 Fried carp soy sauce
酱*肉 Stewed pork in soy sauce
酱*肘 Spiced joint of pork
郊外菜远 Fried seasonal vegetable
焦熘黄鱼片 Crispy fried croaker in sauce
焦炸八块 “Eight-slice”crisp fried chicken
椒麻肚片 Spied tripe with chili sauce
椒麻鸡 Spiced chicken with chili sauce
椒麻鸭掌 Duck web with pepper and chili
椒盐排骨 Spicy fried spareribs(Shanghai style)
椒盐鱼 Spicy fried fish
椒盐炸鸡 Spicy deep fried chicken
椒盐*排 Spicy fried pork chop
椒子鸡丁 Diced chicken and chilli
椒子牛肉 Sliced beef with green chili
椒子牛肉丝 Fried shredded beef with chilli
绞牛肉扒鸡蛋 Hamburger steak with egg
搅鸡蛋 Scrambled egg
结婚糕 Wedding cake
蚧肉烩珧柱 Stewed scallop and clam
芥兰牛肉 Beef with cabbage mustard
芥喱鸡饭 Chicken curry with leaf mustard and rice
芥末煎火腿豌豆 Fried ham with peas and mustard
芥末鸭掌 Duck′s web with mustard
金凤明虾卷 Golden prawn rolls
金华碧绿鸡 Jinhua ham and chicken meat on green vegetabl

金华火腿 Jinhua ham
金华玉树鸡 Chicken slices and jinhua ham in aspic on a bed of green vegetable
金钱鲍鱼汤 “Chinese golden coin”abalone and vegetable soup
金钱雀盒 “Chinese golden coin”sparrow and vegetable
金银白菌 “Gold and silver”mushrooms
金银炒煨片 Fried sliced whelk with chicken liver
金银蹄 “Gold and silver”leg of pig
金鱼鸭掌 Goldfish-shaped duck′s web
锦江拼盆 Jinjiang hors d′oeuvres
锦鹧鸪丝 Saute partridge slices
京北酥鱼肉 Northern crispy fish fillet
京菜扒鸭 Braised duck with cabbage
京葱全鸭 Braised duck with green scallion
京葱扒鸭 Braised duck with scallion
京都排骨 Braised sparerib with sauce
京都酸辣汤 Hot and sour soup
京酱肉丝 Sauted meat shreds with soy bean paste
京酱肉条 Shredded pork in brown sauce
京酱炸云吞 Sweet and sour fried won ton
净蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg
韭菜炒蚬肉 Fried clams with leeks
韭黄炒鸡丝 Sliced chicken with spring onion
韭黄肉丝 Sliced pork with spring onion
韭黄虾丸 Shrimp balls with spring onion
韭黄生鱼球 Fish balls with spring onion
酒味蒸鸡 Steamed chicken with wine
酒香鸡 Spicy chicken with wine
酒蒸鸡 Steamed chicken with wine
酒蒸肥鸭 Duck steamed with wine
酒汁苹果 Apple with wine
酒醉蛋糕 “Drunken cake”with wine
焗肥乳鸽 Baked pigeon
焗酿龙虾 Baked lobster with stuffing
焗葡国鸡 Baked“Portuguese”chicken
焗奶酪面包汤 French onion soup
焗蒜蓉鱼 ltalian baked fillet of fish with garlic and egg
焗雪糕布丁 Baked Alaska
焗鱼面丝 Baked fillet of fish with noodles
焗*肝 Baked pig′s liver
桔羹湘莲 Lotus seeds in orange soup,Hunan style
桔羹元霄 Sweet dumpling in orange soup
桔子色拉 Orange salad
桔子水 Orange juice
菊花白菜 “Chrysanthemum” cabbage
菊花鸭心 “Chrysanthemum” duck′s heart
菊花鱼锅 “Chrysanthemum”fish
卷心菜色拉 Cabbage salad
菌油豆腐 Bean curd with mushrooms preserved in oil
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