insistence也可以视语境译成较弱的语气,请注意上下文的限定。可用“会”、“一定”、“愿愈”,等等:He wouldn't let me in.他不让(或不瓜让)我进门。I said I would help him.我说我会帮他忙的。强语气与较弱语气在英译汉措词中是可以区别出来的。最重要的是在理解时要抓住原意,密切分析would在特定的语境中所具有的情态色彩,注意措词分寸。
Consider how almost any other of the great poets would haveconcluded the story of Scylla's attack on the passing ship. Sixmen, remember, have been taken and devoured before theeyes of their friends. In any other poem but the Odyssey,what would the survivors have done? They would,of course,have wept, even as Homer made them weep. But would theypreviously have cooked their supper, and cooked it, what'smore, in a masterly fashion? Would they previously havedrunk and eaten to satiety? And after weeping, or actuallywhile weeping, would they have dropped quietly off to sleep?No, they most certainly would not have done any of thesethings. They would simply have wept, lamenting their ownmisfortune and the horrible fate of their companions, and thecanto would have ended tragically on their tears.