In no event shall any underwriter (unless such underwriter shall have knowingly received from the issuer for acting as an underwriter some benefit, directly or indirectly, in which all other underwriters similarly situated did not share in proportion to their respective interests in the underwriting) be liable in any suit or as a consequence of suits authorized under subsection (a) of this section for damages in excess of the total price at which the securities underwritten by him and distributed to the public were offered to the public. (《美国1933年证券法》原文第11(e)条)
按一般语序,作为谓语的“received”应与宾语“some benefit”连在一起,成为“…received some benefit from the issuer for acting as an underwriter, directly or indirectly, in which…”。但如果这样的话,读者会认为后面的which指underwriter而非benefit,因此“from the issuer for acting as an underwriter”被灵活地放在了谓语和宾语之间,但语意仍然非常清楚。同样,例1后半部分也不可改为“be liable for damages in any suit or as a consequence of suits authorized under subsection (a) of this section”,因为这样会改变语意。
Every person who, by or through stock ownership, agency, or otherwise, or who, pursuant to or in connection with an agreement or understanding with one or more other persons by or through stock ownership, agency, or otherwise, controls any person liable under section 11 or 12, shall also be liable jointly and severally with and to the same extent as such controlled person to any person to whom such controlled person is liable, unless the controlling person had no knowledge of or reasonable ground to believe in the existence of the facts by reason of which the liability of the controlled person is alleged to exist. (《美国1933年证券法》原文第15条)
正常情况下,作为从句主语的两个“who”应接谓语“controls”,成为“Every person who controls any person liable under section 11 or 12 by or through stock ownership, agency, or otherwise, or who controls any person liable under section 11 or 12 pursuant to or in connection with an agreement or understanding with one or more other persons by or through stock ownership, agency, or otherwise, shall also…”。但这样安排除造成不必要的重复之外,还使读者以为“by or through stock ownership, agency, or otherwise”和“pursuant to or in connection with an agreement or understanding with one or more other persons by or through stock ownership, agency, or otherwise”限定的主体是“any person liable under section 11 or 12”而非“every person”。
例1-翻译. 在任何情况下,任何承销商(除非其已知情地以承销商身份从发行人直接或间接获得好处,但所有其它处于类似地位的承销商并未按其各自在承销中的利益按比例分享这一好处)在任何诉讼中或由于本条(a)款授权的任何诉讼而承担的赔偿责任,不应超出其承销并向公众分销、发售的证券的总价款。(《美国1933年证券法》译文第11(e)条)
例2-翻译. 任何人利用或通过股票所有权、代理或其它方式,或根据利用或通过股票所有权、代理或其它方式与一个或一个以上的他人达成的协议或谅解,得以控制第11条或第12条项下责任人的,应与该被控制人一起在被控制人同样的限度内向该被控制人负有责任的任何人承担连带责任,除非控制人不知悉或没有合理的理由相信存在指控被控制人承担责任据以成立的事实。(《美国1933年证券法》译文第15条)
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