Refer No.
Commercial House Purchase & Sale Contract
Special Notes
一、 根据建设部、国家工商行行政管理局源于推行使用《商品房买卖合同示范文本》的通知(建住[2000]200号)要求,印制本合同。
1. This contract is printed in accordance with Notice of Commercial House Purchase & Sale Contract (JZ[2000]200) under Supervision of State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Construction of P. R. China.
二、 根据建设部《城市商品房预售管理办法》第十条规定,预售人应当在签约后,向县级以上人民政府房地产管理部门办理登记备案手续。
2. In accordance with Regulation 10 of City Commercial House Presale Administrative Methods issued by the Ministry of Construction of P. R. China, presale person shall handle registration and filing formalities in real estate administrative authority of people’s government over county level.
三、 根据四川省建设厅转发建设部《关于房屋建筑面积计算与房屋权属登记有关问题的通知》的通知(川建厅房发[2002]101号),商品房销售应当按套内建筑面积(实得建筑面积)计算销售单价及总价款。
3. In accordance with Notice of Sichuan Provincial Construction Department, which includes “Notice Concerning Calculation of Building Area of House And Registration Issues of House Ownership Registration (CJTFF [2002]101) of the Ministry of Construction of PRC, Unit price and total price of sale of commercial house shall be calculated as per usable building area (actually obtained area).
四、 请合同双方详细阅读本合同中备案表说明。
4. Parties hereto shall read notes in the filing form hereunder herein carefully.
Commercial House Purchase & Sale Contract
1、 本合同文本为示范文本,也可作为签约使用文本。签约之前,买受人应当仔细阅读本合同内容,对合同条款及专业用词理解不一致的,可向当地房地产开发主管部门咨询。
1. This contract text is a specimen and also can be used for conclusion of contract. Buyer shall read this contract carefully and shall refer to local real estate development authority for any discrepancy in understanding of contract clauses and professional expressions.
2、 本合同所称商品房是指由房地产开发企业开发建设并出手的房屋。
2. Commercial herein refers to houses developed, constructed and sold by real estate development enterprises.
3、 为体现合同双方的自愿原则,本合同文本中相关条款后都有空白行,供双方当事人对文本条款的内容进行修改、增补或删减。合同签订生效后,未被修改的文本印刷文字视为双方同意内容。
3. In order to embody voluntary principles of parties hereto, blank space is provided behind each clause herein for modification or increase/decrease of clauses by parties. After the contract becomes effective, the printed words that have not been modified shall be deemed as contents agreed by parties hereto.
4、 本合同文本中涉及到的选择、填写内容以手写项为优先。
4. Items/ options filled manually shall prevail in the contract.
5、 对合同文本【】中选择内容、空格部位填写及其他需要删除或添加的内容,双方应当协商确定。【】中选择内容,以划√方式选定;对于实际情况未发生或买卖双方不作为约定时,应在空格部位打×,以示删除。
5. Parties hereto shall confirm, through consultation, options and contents to be filled in blank space and other items to be increased/decreased. Mark “√” to choose items in [ ], and “×” in N/A items.
6、 在签订合同前,出卖人应当向买受人出示应当由出卖人提供的有关证书、证明文件。
6. Before signing the contract, Seller shall present Buyer relevant certificates and documents that shall be provided by Seller.
7、 本合同条款由中华人民共和国建设部和国家工商行行政管理局负责解释。
7. Clauses herein shall be interpreted by State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Construction of P.R. China
Filing Form of Commercial House Purchase & Sale Contract
合同备案号:( )
Contract Filing No. ( )
出卖人(以下简称甲方): (签章)
Seller (hereinafter called Party A) (Seal)
代理人(代理商): (签章)
Agent: (Seal)
买受人(以下简称乙方): (签章)
Buyer: (hereinafter called Party B) (Seal)
Buyer’s ID Card No. or Passport No.:
一、乙方所购 (项目名称)
I. ______________________________________________________(Project Name) purchased by Party B.
Commercial House is located in
II. Building No., building structure, designed purpose and building area of this commercial house are as follows:
幢号 Building No. |
单元 Unit |
楼层 Floor |
房号 House No. |
建筑结构 Building Structure |
用途 Purpose |
套数 Sets |
间数 Rooms |
建筑面积(平方米) Building Area |
总价(元) Total Price (Yuan) |
套内面积 Usable Area |
公摊面积 Public area to be shared |
合计 |
合计Total |
备注Remark: |
III. Necessary certificates presented by Party A to Party B.
1. State-owned land use certificate, No.
2. House Presale Permit, No.
3. Title Deed No.,
备案时间:Filing Date:
1. After being sheared, this filing form will be printed by connected with computers of Chengdu Municipal House Title Deed Supervision Authority.
2. Items in this filing form shall be in conformity with contents of official text of Commercial House Purchase & Sale Contract.
3. Buyer may inquiry the filing information of the contract at 028-86279090 or www.Fcqx.com.cn.
Commercial House Purchase & Sale Contract
(合同编号Contract No.: )
合同双方当事人Parties hereto:
注册地址Registered Address:
营业执照注册号Registration No of Business License:
企业资质证书号Corporate Qualification Certificate No.:
法定代表人Legal Reprehensive: 联系电话Tel:
邮政编码Post Code:
委托代理人Agent: 地址Address:
邮政编码Post Code: 联系电话Tel:
注册地址Registered :
营业执照注册号Registration No of Business License:
法定代表人Legal Reprehensive: 联系电话Tel: 邮政编码Post Code:
【本人I】【法定代表人Legal Reprehensive】姓名Name: 国籍Nationality:
【身份证ID Card】【护照Passport】【营业执照注册号Registration No of Business License】【 】
邮政编码Post Code: 联系电话Tel:
【委托代理人Agent】【 】姓名Name: 国籍Nationality:
邮政编码Post Code: 电话Tel:
In accordance with Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and City Real Estate Administrative Methods of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, Buyer and Seller hereby reach the following agreement in terms of sale and purchase of commercial house on the basis of equal and voluntary principles.
第一条 Article 1 项目建设依据Reference for Project Construction
出卖人以 方式取得位于 、
编号为 的地块的土地使用权。【土地使用权出让合同号】【土地使用权划拨批准文件号】【划拨土地使用权转让批转文件号】为
Seller has obtained the land use right of plot (No.__________ and located in ___________________) by means of . .[Land Use Right Assignment Contract No.][Land Use Right Allocation & Approval Document No.][No. of Assignment Approval Document of the allocated land use right] are as follow:
该地块土地面积为 ,规划用途为 ,土地使用年限自 年 月 日至 年 月 日。
This plot covers an area of ,the planned purpose is ,land use life is from _________(date) to _______(date).
出卖人经批准,在上述地块上建设商品房,【现定名】【赞定名】 。建设工程规划许可证号为 ,施工许可证号为
Seller constructs commercial houses on the foregoing plot after approved, [confirmed name][temporary name] . Construction Engineering Planning Permit No.: , Construction Permit No.:________________________________.
第二条 商品房销售依据。
Article 2 Reference for Sale of Commercial House
买受人购买的商品房为【现房】 【预售商品房】。预售商品房批准机关为
,商品房预售许可证号为 。
Commercial house purchased by Buyer is [existing house] [commercial house to be sold in advance] . Authority approving presale of commercial house is
, Presale Permit No. of commercial house is .
第三条 Article 3
买受人所购商品房的基本情况Profile of commercial house purchased by Buyer
Commercial house purchased by Buyer (hereinafter called this commercial house, refer to Annex I for layout and house No.) is stated in Article 1 herein as follows
第 【幢】【座】 【单元】【层】 号房。
[Building][Zone] No. [Unit][Floor]No. Room No.
该商品房的用途为 ,属 结构,层高为 ,建筑层数地上 层,地下 层。
This commercial house is used for , this house belongs to _____structure, storey height is_________, storey quantity is on the ground and underground.
Balcony of this commercial house is [close type][non-close type]
该商品房【合同约定】【产权登记】建筑面积共 平方米,其中,套内建筑面积 平方米,公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积 平方米(有关公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积构成说明见附件二)。
Building area of this commercial house [specified in the Contract][ registration of property rights] m2, in which, useable building area is m2, public part and building area of house to be shared is m2(refer to Annex 2 for details)
第四条 计价方式与价款。
Article 4 Pricing Mode & Purchase Price
出卖人与买受人约定按下述第 种方式计算该商品房价款:
Seller and Buyer agree to calculate price of the commercial house according to the following ______method:
1、按建筑面积计算,该商品房单价为( 币)每平方米
元,总金额( 币) 千 百 拾
万 千 百 拾 元整。
1. If calculated as per building area, unit price of the commercial house shall be ______ (Currency) per m2, total amount:_____________(Currency).
2、按套内建筑面积计算,该商品房单价为( 币)每平
方米 元,总金额( 币) 千 百 拾 万 千 百 拾 元整。
2. If calculated as per usable building area, unit price of the commercial house shall be ______ (Currency) per m2, total amount:_____________(Currency).
3、按套(单元)计算,该商品房单价为( 币)每平
方米 元,总金额( 币) 千 百 拾 万 千 百 拾 元整。
3. If calculated as per set (unit), unit price of the commercial house shall be ______ (Currency) per m2, total amount:_____________(Currency).
第五条 Article 5
Confirmation of Area, Solution to Area Difference
According to pricing method selected by the party hereto, this article specifies to the Area shall be confirmed and area difference shall be solved according to [building area] [usable building area] (hereinafter called “Area” in this Article).
This Article is not applicable for the case in which the party hereto has selected pricing method according to one set of house.
If there is any difference between specified area herein and registered area of property right, then the registered area shall prevail.
商品房交付后,产权登记面积与合同约定的那个面积产生差异,双方同意按第 种方式进行处理:
Both parties agree to treat the difference between the foregoing registered area and specified area upon delivery according to the following ____method.
1、双方自行约定:Parties hereto specify as follows:
2、双方同意按以下原则处理:Parties hereto agree to treat as follows:
(1) 面积误差比绝对值在3%以内(含3%)的,据实结算房价款;
House price shall be settled according to actual situation if area difference ratio is within 3% (inclusive).
(2) 面积误差比绝对值超出3%时,买受人有权退房。
Buyer is entitled to return house if area difference ratio exceeds 3%.
还给买受人,并按 利率付给利息。
If Buyer returns the commercial house, Seller shall return money paid by Buyer within 30 days from the date on which Buyer informs Seller of such intention, and shall pay interest at ____rate.
If Buyer does not return the commercial house, and the registered area is bigger than the specified area, Buyer shall pay for the part with the area difference ratio below 3% (inclusive); and Seller shall pay for the part with the area difference ratio exceeding 3%, and the property right shall be owned by Buyer. If the registered area is smaller than the specified area, Seller shall return Buyer the part with the area difference ratio below 3% (inclusive); and shall return Buyer the part with the area difference ratio exceeding 3% (inclusive) by two times.
Registered Area-Specified area in contract
Ratio of error in area= ×100%
Specified area in contract
Both parties shall sign a supplementary agreement for area difference caused by design change, provided that both parties do not intend to cancel the Contract.
第六条 Article 6
付款方式及期限 Payment Term & Time Limit
买受人按下列第 种方式按期付款:
Buyer shall pay the sum on schedule on the basis of:
1、一次性付款 Lump Sum
2、分期付款Payment by installments
3、其他方式 Other modes
第七条 买受人逾期付款的违约责任。
Article 7 Liability for breach of contract due to Buyer’s overdue payment
The following ________treatment mode shall be applicable for Buyer’s overdue payment.
1、 按逾期时间,分别处理(不作累加)
Treat separately (not accumulated) according to overdue time.
(1)逾期在 之日内,自本合同规定的应付款期限
第二天起至实际金额支付应付款之日止,买受人按日向出卖人支付逾期应付万分之 的违约金,合同继续履行;
(1) If overdue payment does not exceed _____days, Buyer shall pay Seller liquidated damages at ___% on a daily basis from the next day of the specified time ____to actual payment date, the contract continue to be executed.
(2)逾期超过 日后,出卖人有权解除合同。出卖人解除合同的,买受人按累计应付款的 ℅向出卖人支付违约金。买受人愿意继续履行合同的,经出卖人同意,合同继续履行,自本合同规定的应付款期限之第二天起至实际金额支付应付款之日止,买受人按日向出卖人支付逾期应付款万分之 (该比率应不小于第(1)项中的比率)的违约金。
If overdue payment exceeds _____days, Seller has the right to cancel the contract. If Buyer cancels the Contract, Buyer shall pay Seller liquidated damages at ___% of accumulated account payable. If Buyer requests to continue execution of the Contract, Contract shall continue to be executed upon consent of Seller, and Buyer shall pay Seller liquidated damages at ___% [not less than ratio in above (1)] on a daily basis from the next day of the specified time to actual payment date.
Overdue account payable herein refer to difference between due sum and actually paid sum, as stipulated by Clause Six herein; In the case of payment by installments, overdue account payable shall be difference between the corresponding payment by installments and actually paid sum.
第八条 交付期限。
Article 8 Time Limit for Delivery
出卖人应当在 年 月 日前,依照国家和地方人民
政府的有关规定,按具备下列第 种条件,并符合本合同约定的商品房交付买受人使用:
Seller shall deliver to Buyer the commercial house that complies with the following _____condition and specified herein before ____(date) in accordance with regulations of the state and local people’s government.
1、该商品房验收合格。 This commercial house has been accepted qualified.
2、该商品房综合验收合格。This commercial house has been accepted qualified in overall aspects.
3、该商品房工期综合验收合格。Construction period of this commercial house has been accepted qualified in overall aspects.
4、该商品房取得商品住宅交付使用批准文件。Delivery & Use Approval Document for this commercial house has been available.
In the case of special circumstance listed below, beside cancellation and change of contract, Seller can extend the period, as the case may be:
1、遭遇不可抗力,且出卖人在发生之日起 日内告知买受人的;
1. If force majeure occurs, and Seller has notified Buyer within ________after the date on which force majeure occurs.
第九条 出卖人逾期交房的违约责任。
Article 9 Responsibility for breach of contract due to Seller’s overdue delivery of house
商品房交付买受人使用,按下列第 种方式处理:
Unless otherwise specified in Article 8 herein, the following ____treatment method is applicable if Seller fails to deliver the commercial house to Buyer within specified time limit.
1. Treat separately (not accumulated) according to delayed time.
(1)逾期不超过 日,自本合同第八条规定的最后交付期限的第二天起至实际交付之日止,出卖人按日向买受人支付已交付房价款万分之
(1) If delayed delivery does not exceed _____days, Seller shall pay Buyer liquidated damages at ___% of paid house payment from the next day of the specified time to actual delivery date, as specified in Article 8 herein.
(2)逾期不超过 日后,买受人有权解除合同。买受人解除合同的,出卖人应当自买受人解除合同通知到达之日起 天内退还全部已付款,并按买受人累计已付款的 ℅向买受人支付违约金。买受人要求继续履行合同的,合同继续履行,自本合同第八条规定的最后交付期限的第二天起至实际交付之日止,出卖人按日向买受人支付已交付房价款万分之
(2) Buyer has the right to cancel the contract after the delayed delivery does not exceed _____days. If Buyer cancels the Contract, Seller shall return all paid sum within ____days after the date on when Buyer’s notice of such cancellation has arrived, and Seller shall pay Buyer liquidated damages at ___% of paid house payment. If Buyer requests to continue execution of the Contract, and the Contract continues to be executed, Seller shall pay Buyer liquidated damages at ___% [not less than ratio in above (1)] of paid house payment on a daily basis from the next day of the specified time to actual delivery date, as specified in Article 8 herein.
第十条 规划、设计变更的约定。
Article 10 Changes of Planning & Design
If change of planning approved by the planning authority and change of design approved by design institute have affected quality or use function of house purchased by Buyer, then Seller shall notify Buyer in writing within 10 days after date of approval by competent authority.
(1) 商品房结构形式、户型、空间尺寸、朝向:
Structural form, house shape, space size, direction of commercial house:
Buyer is entitled to give a written reply about whether Buy will return the commercial house within 15 days from the date on which the notice arrives, Buyer’s failure to do so is deemed as receipt of the change. Buyer is entitled to return the commercial house if Seller fails to notify Buyer within specified time.
买受人退房的,出卖人须在买受人提出退房要求之日起 天内将买受人已付款退还给买受人,并按 利率付给利息。买受人不退房的,应当与出卖人另行签订补充协议。
If Buyer returns the commercial house, Seller must return the paid sum to Buyer within ____days from the date on which Buyer requests to return the commercial house, and shall pay interest at ______interest rate. If Buyer does not return the commercial house, Buyer shall sign a supplementary agreement with Seller.
第十一条 交接。
Article 11 Hand Over
After commercial house meets delivery and use conditions, Seller shall notify Buyer in writing of handling delivery formality. When both parties conduct acceptance and delivery, Seller shall present supporting documents specified in Article 8 herein and sign hand-over sheet of the commercial house. If the purchased commercial house is used for residential purpose, Seller is required to present Quality Warranty of Residential Building and Manual for House Use. If Seller fails to present supporting documents or Seller present insufficient supporting documents, Buyer is entitled to refuse to the hand-over, Seller shall bear responsibility of delay delivery of house caused thereby.
If house is not delivered on schedule due to Buyer’s reason, both parties agree to solve this problem as follows:
第十二条 出卖人保证销售的商品房没有产权纠纷和债权债务纠纷。因出卖人原因,造成该商品房不能办理产权登记或发生债权债务纠纷的,由出卖人承担全部责任。
Article 12 Seller guarantees that there is no property right disputes and creditor's rights/liability disputes relating to the sold house. In the case of failure to handle property right registration or in the case of occurrence of creditor's rights/liability disputes, Seller shall bear all responsibilities.
第十三条 出卖人关于装饰、设备标准承诺的违约责任。
Article 13 Seller’s breach of contract about promises on decoration & equipment standards.
出卖人交付使用的商品房的装饰、设备标准应符合双方约定(附件三)的标准。达不到约定标准的,买受人有权要求出卖人按照下述第 种方式处理:
Decoration & equipment standards of commercial house delivered by Seller shall comply with standard specified by both parties (See Annex 3), otherwise, Buyer is entitled to request Seller to solve the problem according to the following ______________method.
1. Seller shall compensate Buyer the price difference of decoration and equipment by 200%.
第十四条 Article 14
Seller’s promises about normal running of infrastructure & public auxiliary buildings
Seller promises that the following infrastructure & public auxiliary buildings relating to normal use of the commercial house shall provide use conditions on the following dates.
If the use conditions are not available within specified time limit, both parties agree to solve this problem as follows:
第十五条 Article 15
Registration of Property Right
出卖人应当在商品房交付使用后 日内,将办理权属登记需由出卖人提供的资料报产权登记机关备案。如因出卖人的责任,买受人不能在规定期限内取得房地产权属证书的,双方同意按下列第 项处理:
Seller shall submit the required information to property right registration authority for filing within _____days for the purpose of handling ownership registration after the commercial house is delivered and used. If Buyer fails to obtain title deed within the specified time limit due to Seller’s responsibility, both parties agree to solve this problem as follows:
1、买受人退房,出卖人在买受人提出退房要求之日起 日内将买受人已付房价款退还给买受人,并按已付房价款的 ℅赔偿买受人损失。
1. If Buyer return the commercial house, Seller shall return the commercial house fund paid by Buyer within __________days since the date on which Buyer notify Seller of his intention of returning the commercial house, and shall compensate Buyer for loss at ______% of the paid house fund.
2、买受人不退房,出卖人按已付房价的 ℅向买受人支付违约金。
2. If Buyer does not return the commercial house, Seller shall pay liquidated damaged to Buyer at ______% of the paid house fund.
第十六条Article 16 保修责任 Warranty Responsibility
If commercial house purchased by Buyer belongs to a commercial residential building, Quality Warranty for Residential Building shall be regarded as annex to the Contract. Seller shall bear relevant warranty responsibility according to Quality Warranty for Residential Building since the date on which the commercial house is delivered and used.
If commercial house purchased by Buyer belongs to a commercial residential building, both parties shall specify warranty scope, time limit and responsibility in details in the form of contract annex.
Seller shall bear warranty responsibility for defect occurring within warranty scope and time limit. Seller shall not bear responsibility for damaged caused by force majeure or cause by other reasons (other than seller’s reason), but Seller shall assist the repair, and Buyer shall bear the repair expense.
第十七条 双方可以就下列事项约定:
Article 17 In terms of the following items, both parties agree as follows:
Roof use right of building where the commercial house is located
Use right of external wall surface of building where the commercial house is located
Naming right of building where the commercial house is located
Naming right of residential quarter where the commercial house is located
第十八条 买受人的房屋仅作 使用,买受人使用期间不得擅自改变该商品房的建筑主体结构、承重结构和用途。除本合同及其附件另有规定者外,买受人在使用期间有权与其他权利人共同享用与该商品房有关联公共部位和设施,并按占地和公共部位与公用房屋分摊面积承担义务。
Article 18 Buyer’s house shall be used only for purpose of _____. Buyer shall not change main body structure, bearing structure and purpose of the commercial house during use period without authorization. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract and annexes hereto, Buyer has the right to enjoy public parts and facilities relating to the commercial house jointly together with other obliges during use period, and share the occupied land, public parts and public house.
Seller shall not change the use nature of public parts and facilities relating to the commercial house without authorization.
第十九条 本合同在履行过程中发生争议,由双方当事人协商解决;协商不成的,按下述第 种方式解决:
Article 19 Disputes arising from execution of the Contract shall be settled through consultation by parties hereto; otherwise, the disputes shall be settled according to _____(method) listed below:
1、提交 仲裁委员会仲裁。
1. Refer to _________________________Arbitration Committee for arbitration.
2. Refer to people’ s court.
第二十条 本合同未尽事项,可由双方约定后签订补充协议(附件四)
Article 20 For matters not included herein, parties hereto shall sign a supplementary agreement through consultation (Annex 4).
第二十一条 合同附件与本合同具有同等法律效力。本合同及附件内,空格部分填写的文字与印刷文字具有同等效力。
Article 21 Annexes hereto have same legal effect as this Contract. In the Contract and annexes, words filled or printed in blank space have same legal effects.
第二十二条 本合同连同附件共 页,一式 份,具有同等法律效力,合同持有情况如下:
出卖人 份,买受人 份, 份, 份。
Article 22 The Contract includes ____pages (including pages) and is made in ______(copies), having legal binding upon parties hereto.
Seller holds _____copy, Buyer holds _____copy, ______holds _____copy, and ______holds_____copy, respectively.
Article 23 The Contract will become effective since the signing date.
第二十四条 商品房预售的,自本合同生效之日起30天内,由出卖人向 申请登记备案。
Article 24 For commercial house to be sold in advance, Seller shall apply for registration for filing to _________________________(Authority).
出卖人Seller(签章Seal): 买受人Buyer(签章Seal):
【法定代表人Legal Representative】: 【法定代表人Legal Representative】:
【委托代理人Agent】: 委托代理人Agent】:
(签章Seal) 【 】:
______________________(Date) ______________________(Date)
签于 签于
Signed in (place) Signed in (place)
Annex 1: House Layout
Annex 2: Note for Public Part and Building Area of House to be Shared.