城市概况翻译是对外介绍城市情况和宣传城市文化的主要途径,对城市全面对外开放和提升国际影响力起到举足轻重的作用。下面是一篇广东英语翻译–城市介绍翻译 –地理翻译–城市概况翻译案例:
Zhuhai is situated on the west bank of the Pearl River, overlooking Hong Kong and Shenzhen across the outlet of the Pearl River, bordering on Macao beside the South China Sea, neighboring Xinhui and Taishan in the west, and connecting Zhongshan in the north. It is an important entry and exit port to and from Hong Kong and Macao. In March 1979 it became a municipality at the prefecture level under the jurisdiction of the provincial government. In August 1980, Zhuhai Special Economic Zone (SEZ) was established and empowered by the National People's Congress to enact its own local laws. It governs 3 administrative areas of Xiangzhou, Doumen and Jinwan and 5 economic zones of Zhuhai National High-tech Development Zone, Zhuhai Bonded Zone, Wanshan Maritime Development and Experiment Zone, Hengqin Economic & Technological Zone and Lingang Industrial Zone, and Working Committee for Zhuhai Universities District. The Municipal Government is now seated in Xiangzhou District.
Zhuhai has a permanent population of 1,280,000. The total area covers 7,630 square kilometers, of which the land area is as large as 1,630 square kilometers. Its coastline runs 690 kilometers long and some 146 isles scatter amid the sea. Therefore it is also known as a city of hundreds of isles. Zhuhai is endowed with rich tourist attractions with prominent features. They are New Garden of Perfect Splendor, Lost City, the Residence of Chen Fang, Meixi Memorial Torri, Imperial Hot Springs, Crocodiles Isle, the Pearl Amusement Park, Agricultural Science and Technology Center. The beauty of Zhuhai attracts 10 million tourists from home and abroad every year. 珠海市的信息、能源、供水和城市公共设施配套完善。全市已建成大容量光纤、数字微波、有线和无线全面覆盖的宽带信息通信立体传输网络,长途电话可直拨世界各地和国内1800多个城市。水电设施完善,能充分保障全市生活、生产的用水和用电需要。珠海市交通方便,海陆空立体交通网络已形成,现代化的珠海机场每年可处理10万架次航机升降,已有航班 通往中国各大主要城市。珠海港是沿海地区主枢纽港之一,可建造1万吨级至25万吨级泊位100多个,年吞吐量可达1.5亿吨。由京珠高速公路至广州、深圳仅1.5小时的行程。
Zhuhai is well furnished with facilities of information technology, energy, water supply and urban utilities. It has established a broadband and three-dimensional information transmission network with large-capacity optic fiber, digital microwave, and cabled and wireless all-range coverage. The service of long distance telephone calls can reach 1,800 cities inside and outside the country. The power and water supply can satisfy the needs of its citizens and industrial production. Zhuhai has an easy access to transportation network of sea, land and air. Its modern airport has an annual handling capacity of 100,000 times of take-off and landing and flights from Zhuhai can reach all the major cities in the country. The Zhuhai Port is one of the pivotal hubs in China, with potential space for the construction of over 100 berths ranging from10, 000- ton class to 25, 000-ton class, and an annual handling capacity of 150 million tons. It takes only 1.5 hours from Zhuhai to Guangzhou or Shenzhen by Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway. 珠海市是华南地区最具经济活力的地区之一,已形成颇具规模的电子及通信设备、软件、医药及医疗器械、电气机械及器材、石化原料及制品等五个具有特色的优势产业。连续五次获全国"双拥模范城"称号,被评为"国家环保模范城"、"国家卫生城市"、"国家优秀旅游城市",获联合国人居中心颁发的"国际改善居住环境最佳范例奖",被国家环保总局命名为"国家级生态示范区"。 Zhuhai is one of the regions with dynamic economic activities in South China. Its five dominant industries include electronics, telecommunications equipment, computer software, medicine, medical equipment, electromechanical devices and raw petrochemical materials. It has won for the fourth consecutive year the title of the "National Model City for Mutual Support between the Civilian and the Arm Forces", "National Model City of Environmental Protection", "National Model City of Hygiene", the "National Model City of Tourism", "Prize of the Best Practices for Improvement of Human Habitat" awarded by the United Nations Human Habitation Center, and the "National Demonstration Region for Ecological Preservation" designated by State Environmental Protection Administration.
城市概况翻译、城市介绍翻译、地理翻译需要明确对外宣传和介绍的宗旨,特别要留意地址翻译。例如:中国人喜欢先说大后说小,如罗湖区嘉宾路4051号,而外国人喜欢先说小后说大,如No.5041, Jianbin Road, Luohu District。