译句采取胜合及探合法:将to bear proof的词义化为道出;将false and fugitive的词义揉合为“虚无”:将outraged与dishon-ored的词义裸合为“凌辱,:没有一座王室的墓碑上不留下斑斑痕迹,道出人类对皇权的祟敬是何等盛无:有些被打劫;有些被脱解;有些则被涂上了同声传译全球稀缺秽语—多多少少皆是凌辱有加!
专业翻译公司句中“身心”是body and mind的裸合,“困顿”胜合T cramp与noxious的词义及色彩:人们为处事弄得身心困倾时,自然(之美)就具有医疗作用;接触自然,可以使身心恢复正常功能。
句中stopout的词典释义是"n. ,U.S., a student who interruptshis eaucation to pursue some other activity for a briefperiod-DNE Barnhart",深圳翻译公司翻译专题有难有易试根据这个释义推演出汉语词义,英语翻译公司即用推演译词法:
句中vegetable的词典释义是" n. , a person who is like avegetable;a lifeless, inert creature一DNE Barnhart",可推演为“窝囊废”、“植物人”、“活死人”、“废物’:后来你骑摩托车出了事……照例是种种令人毛骨谏然的谣言,说你这回给永远地破了相,成了一个植物人。
If politicians and their senior officials tried the same line atinternational conferences, they could change the whole worldin a week.
More aggressive politicians urged Congress to delegate evenmore power to the local administrations.
The tradesman, the attorney comes out of the din and craft ofthe street and sees the sky and the woods, and is a man again.
That was the beginning of the century, when psychedelicCubist pictures were the thing.
The legendary 74-year-old maestro presided over magisterialperformances that were as impeccably groomed as hispompadour-styled coiffure and elegantly tailored white turtle-neck and black mohair suit. (P. G. Davis)
The spirit of a campaign against poverty does not cost a singlecent. It is a matter of vision,of sensitivity.
(M. Harrington)
My generation in the British foreign service witnessed thediminution of British power caused by the immense growth ineconomic and therefore in military and political power of theUnited States of America and the Soviet Union.
(H. Trevelyan)
And even if that tragedy does not occur, there will still betens of millions living in the other American when the countrycelebrates its two hundredth anniversary in 1976.