第一章 总则
一. 守则制定
第二章 用人制度
1) 在“公开招工,全面考核,择优录取”的原则下招收所需员工。员工一视同仁,公平对待,杜绝任何歧视行为。
2) 尊重员工自由,禁止任何形式的强迫式劳动。
3) 禁止招聘和使用童工。
4) 与学校签定实习生的实习合约。
1) 生产厂员工必须持有高中(中专或技校)以上学历;
2) 年龄必须满18周岁,未瞒18岁者一律不录用;
3) 所有应聘者均需持有效证件应聘,如发现有用虚假证件者不再录用。
4) 实习生。
1) 各部门根据工作需要提出申请,填写《员工招聘计划单》,经部门经理批准后由总经办人力资源部工人分部负责招聘。
2) 由招聘人员先行面试、笔试和证件核查,招聘人员识别有效身份证,确任其真实年龄,未瞒18周岁者及无有效身份证者,一律不得录用。
3) 面试、笔试合格者进行为期1~4天的入职培训,考试合格交用人部门进行试工考核,试工期为3天,试工结束由用人部门负责人在《新进人员履历表》上签署意见,合格者经人力资源工人分部谈话、开出聘用通知,其准备相关资料正式办理入职手续予以录用。
1) 身份证复印件二张;
2) 个人履历表:需要将所有个人档案资料填写完整。(包括入职日期、出生日期、教育经历、工作经历、家庭地址及紧急联络方法等);
3) 计划生育证明;
4) 学历证明;
5) 区级以上医院的体检表(需有两对半的检查结果);
6) 免冠2寸彩照3张;
1) 犯罪在案者;
2) 患有严重精神病或传染病者;
3) 品行恶劣,有被开除记录者;
4) 吸食毒品者;
5) 使用假证件或用他人证件者;(未满18岁者除外)
6) 在此之前,与其他公司聘用手续未清者(即尚未解除劳动合同);
二、 试用制度
1、 所有新员工均需经过三个月试用期(特殊情况除外)。
2、 试用期内工厂可提出解聘,不需提前通知,按日结算工资,无补助。
3、 试用期内员工可提出辞职,不需提前申请,按日结算工资,无补助。
三、 正式员工离职制度
1、 工厂辞退员工应提前一个月通知,如未提前通知将以一个月的月工资作为经济补偿。
2、 员工提出辞职应提前一个月申请,未提前申请的将以一个月的月工资作为经济补偿。
3、 员工离职应提前一个月申请,并填写《同维电子生产员工离职申请单》。申请单经拉长、工段长、总办人力资源工人分部谈话、部门经理审批后存总办人力资源工人分部处。
4、 员工离厂前应进行工作移交并退还公司财物、用具、结清欠款,否则不予结算工资。
5、 如因员工违反工厂的各项制度或出现严重质量事故或使工厂声誉受到严重损害的将立即予以开除,按日结算工资,并承担应负责任及相应损失。
四、 工作证和工服的规定
1、 工作证:
(1) 员工进出厂区和上班必须按规定佩戴厂牌、着厂服,带工帽,穿工鞋。
(2) 短暂试工期间凭《新进人员履历表》进出。
(3) 离厂员工将工作证交工厂行政科处,如果厂牌丢失需交10元成本费。
(4) 上下班进出时用考勤卡刷卡,考勤卡丢失则需交20元成本费。
I. Employee Handbook for XXX
Article 1 General Provisions
i. Formulation of handbook
1. This handbook is formulated to regularize the management of factory and the behaviors of employees.
2. Formulation of this handbook is governed by the law of the State, as well as shows consideration to the interests of the enterprise.
3. All employees of the factory shall abide by this handbook and all bulletins or notices issued with the development of the factory.
4. This handbook is applicable to all production employees.
ii. Work discipline for employees
1. To abide by the factory motto of "we are putting on innovation and progress every day” to learn constantly and to improve quality.
2. Being loyal and dedicated, to obey the upper grade leadership, without any action of observing stealthily but violating publicly or performing duty in a perfunctory manner.
3. Being down-to-earth to do the work efficiently; being practical and realistic, modest and prudent, and brave to undertake responsibility.
4. To abide by all disciplines, rules, and the 6S management regulations; to save the resources of the factory, without dialing or answering private telephone during the work time.
5. To love the factory, obey the law and protect the corporate image. Do not gamble, take excessive alcohol or damage the property of the company and others.
6. To cooperate with concerted efforts and develop the team spirit, being active in participating all the activities held by the company.
Article 2 Employment System
Ⅰ. Employment system
1. Recruitment principle
5) Employees shall be recruited under the principle of “open recruitment, comprehensive evaluation, excellence preferable”.
6) Employees shall be treated equally, discrimination behavior shall not be allowed.
7) The freedom of employees shall be respected, any form of forced labor shall be prohibited;
8) The recruitment and use of child labor shall be prohibited.
9) The training agreements concerning the trainees shall be reached with the schools therefrom.
2. Qualifications
5) All production workers shall have degree above high school (technical secondary school or technical school);
6) The age shall be 18 or above, people who is under the age of 18 shall not be employed;
7) All the applicants shall use effective certificates for application and shall not be employed at the discovery of a fake certificate.
8) Trainee.
3. Recruitment procedures:
4) A department may present an application according to the work requirements and fill out the Recruitment Scheme. After the approval of the divisional manager, the Worker Branch under the general administrative office—Human Resourced Department shall take charge of the recruitment.
5) People in charge of the recruitment shall conduct interview, written examination and certificate inspection, and shall identify the effective ID cards and the actual age of the applicants, shall not employ those under the age of 18 or having no effective ID cards.
6) A 1-4 day(s) of vocational training shall be given to the applicants who have passed the interview and written examination. If the applicants passed the exam therewith, they wound be evaluated through 3 days of probation period by the relevant staffing departments. After the probation, the staffing departments shall subscribe opinions on the Resume of New Employee, and the qualified ones shall talk to the Worker Branch of Human Resources Department, and shall be granted the employment notice. After the preparation of relevant documents, such applicants shall transact employment procedures and be employed thereafter.
4. An employee shall submit the following materials:
7) Two copies of ID card;
8) Individual resume: The individual file shall be filled out (including the date of employment, date of birth, education, work experience, home address and emergency contact, etc.);
9) Family planning certificate;
10) Academic certification;
11) Medical examination bill of the district hospital or above level hospital (with 50% pass rate);
12) 3 bareheaded colored photos (2 inches);
5. An employee shall not be employed under any of the following circumstances. Where the employee conceals facts, he/she shall be dismissed immediately after being found out.
7) Violation of the law;
8) Suffering from severe mental illness or infectious disease;
9) Being vicious and having the record of dismission.
10) Being a drug addict;
11) Using fake certificate or other people’s certificate; (excluding those under the age of 18)
12) Failure in rescinding employment procedures with the other company prior to employment (i.e. failure in rescinding the labor contract);
II、 Probation system
4、 All employees shall experience a 3 months probation (excluding special conditions).
5、 A worker may ask for disemployment during the probation period. There shall be no need to make an early notification and the salary shall be settled without subsidy according to the date.
6、 The factory may advance dismission during the probation period. There shall be no need to make an early application, and the salary shall be settled according to the date without subsidy.
III、 Exit system for regular employees
6、 The factory shall notify an employee to be dismissed one month in advance. Where no such notification is made, one month’s salary shall be regarded as the economic compensation.
7、 The employee shall apply for disemployment one month in advance. Where no such application is made, one month’s salary shall be regarded as the economic compensation.
8、 The employee shall apply for disemployment one month in advance, and shall fill out the T&W Exit Application Form for Electronic Producers. After talking with the line leader, the team leader and the Worker Branch of the general administrative office—Human Resources Department, and with the approval of the divisional manager, the application shall be kept at the Worker Branch of the general administrative office—Human Resources Department.
9、 Before the dismission, the employee shall hand over his/her work, and return the company's properties, appliances and debts. Otherwise, no salary shall be paid.
10、 If the employee violates the factory’s rules or causes severe quality problems or severely damage the image of the factory, he/she shall be dismissed and liable for relevant responsibility and damage. The salary shall be settled according to the date.
IV、 Prescription on work certificate and work wear
2、 Work certificate:
(5) Employees shall wear factory band, work wear, work cap and work shoes while entering or coming out of the factory, as well as while at work.
(6) During the probation period, the Resume of New Employment shall be a voucher for entering or coming out of the factory.
(7) Employees who will leave the factory shall submit their work certificates to the Administration Division. Where the factory card is lost, 10 yuan shall be paid as its cost.
(8) Attendance card shall be swiped while entering or coming out of the factory. Where the attendance card is lost, 20 yuan shall be paid as its cost.
Besides, new card shall be applied for. Where no application is made, the employee shall be liable for the absent attendance.
2. Work wear:
Work wear is a symbol of the corporate image. All employees shall wear work wear (winter wear or summer wear), work cap and work shoes, so as to keep tidy while at work.